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Michela Dumas MNDumas
Postdoctoral Research Fellow interested in evolutionary ecology and behaviour.

University of Ottawa Ottawa

Magali Frauendorf MagaliFr
Wildlife ecologist 🦌

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Umeå

Oakleigh Wilson OakAlice
PhD student integrating machine learning into ecology.
Matthias Grenié Rekyt
Assistant Professor of Biostatistics & Ecology

Université Grenoble Alpes / Laboratoire d'Écologie Alpine (LECA) Grenoble, France

Mark Young DrMarkYoung
Evolutionary biologist and vertebrate palaeontologist. I work on crocs, birds, major evolutionary transitions, and the philosophy of biology


Sebastian Lopez-M slopezmarcano
Principal Data Scientist for QCIF's Sustainable Futures portfolio #marine #ag-tech #environment #urban #climate

Queensland Cyber Infrastructure Foundation Australia

César Herrera CexyNature
Research Fellow at Griffith University, Australia. #Ecology #Computer Vision #Eco-informatics #Techno-ecology #Biodiversity #Ecosystem function

Griffith University Venezuela and Australia

Quentin PETITJEAN qpetitjean
I’m a Research Scientist @inrae working on the effects of global changes on animal physiology and behavior.
Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Matheus Moroti mmoroti
📈 Post doc at UNICAMP 👨‍🎓 PhD. Ecology and Conservation 🗺️ Data science, community ecology and macroecology
Roshmi Sarma rrsarma
Researcher, Epigenomics | Museum genomics | Invasive Species | Amphibians

Australian Museum Sydney

Elena Velado elenavelado
Postdoc in InterRest Project in Plant Ecology & Nature Conservation Group at WUR and Functional Agrobiodiversity & Agroecology Group at Uni Göttingen.

Wageningen University Wageningen

Olivia Lorente-Casalini OliviaLorente-Casalini
PhD Student - Forest Ecology - Studying ecological processes and factors that drive forest regeneration (remnant trees, fecundity, seed dispersal)

University of Alcalá Alcalá de Henares (Madrid, Spain)

Julen Astigarraga Julenasti
Studying global change impacts on forest dynamics while having fun with coding & stats

University of the Basque Country & Lund University

Xin Hao SheenHao8023
Psychology B.S. & First year of Neuroscience PhD student at CIBR.

Chinese Institute for Brain Research, Beijing Beijing, China

Francisco Rodriguez-Sanchez Pakillo
Computational Ecologist & Data Scientist. R, maps & statistics fan

Sevilla, Spain

Ruby Krasnow rmk118
Quantitative fisheries, sustainable aquaculture, open science, & running

University of Maine

Cecilia Baldoni cecibaldoni
I am a behavioural ecologist, interested in how environment and brain structures shape cognitive flexibility.

Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior Konstanz, Germany

Tim Alamenciak timalamenciak
I'm a postdoc at Carleton University in the Bennett Lab and research fellow in the DRAGEN Lab at the University of Waterloo.

Kitchener, Ontario

Phil Martin phil-martin-research
Ikerbasque research fellow at the Basque Centre for Climate Change using evidence synthesis to assess the effectiveness of forest management and restoration.

Basque Centre for Climate Change Bilbao, Spain

Giulia Masoero giuliamasoero
I am an ecologist (population, behavioural and, recently, evolutionary ecology), with a particular interest for birds as study species.

Swiss Ornithological Institute Sempach, Switzerland

Alfredo Sánchez-Tójar ASanchez-Tojar
I'm a behavioural & evolutionary ecologist. Evidence synthesist & Meta-researcher. Here's my code and data, feel free to use it and adjust it. Get in touch!

Bielefeld University Germany

Saeed Shafiei Sabet shafieisabets
Researcher in animal behaviour, Underwater bioacoustics, Anthropogenic sound, Noise impacts, Fish, Crustaceans

University of Guilan Rasht, Iran

David N Borg SciBorgo
PhD in exercise physiology. Interested in human health and performance, and metaresearch.


Adrian Barnett agbarnett

Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Australia

Gabriela Junqueira junqueiragaabi
PhD Candidate in Ecology (UFRGS)

Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Ph.D. in Ecology. Interested in the measurement of biological diversity, community ecology, and biogeography

Universidade de São Paulo Brazil

Patrick Freeman ptfreeman-csp
Conservation scientist with @csp-inc - geospatial analytics, ecological modeling, and data visualization for conservation science and management San Francisco, CA

Gracielle Higino graciellehigino

University of British Columbia Canada

Pedro Henrique Pereira Braga pedrohbraga
I'm a recent Ph.D. graduate in Biology and a biogeographer. I use computational and statistical tools to study how space and time form biodiversity patterns.

Concordia University Montréal, Canada

Brandon Edwards BrandonEdwards
Ecological Statistician at Ducks Unlimited Canada. Research at the intersection of ecology, statistics, and computer science.

Ducks Unlimited Canada Winnipeg, MB

Kevin Novak kevolve
R pirate and postdoc

The University of Queensland Brisbane, Australia

Lella Crystal wavingtowaves
Data Scientist at GitHub Copilot

GitHub Oakland, CA

Eric R. Scott Aariq
Scientific Programmer & Educator at University of Arizona

University of Arizona, @cct-datascience