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Dark BruhDark
Intermediate Python developer.

Pycord Probably at home

Awakno Awakno
Just a random young developer


Brainless 🧠 BrainlessDip
19 years old • Mobile Developer • Loves sleeping • Music enthusiast who loves alternative rock

Dank Alert

Olav olavorw
I'm a game dev, a programmer, and a hardware nerd. In short, I do cool nerdy stuff! よい一日を! (still learning)

4934 Bay Area

Jad El Asmar 1elasmarjad

University of Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada

Bonnia bonniabyte
Full Bunny Stack, 18 years old
Shabbir Hasan ShabbirHasan1
Electrical Engineer


Software Developer | Learning Reverse Engineering

Windows Security Exploitation

Otter Hoosierotter
I don't wanna.
Matt Norton CarrotManMatt
Communicate | Contemplate | Appreciate

United Kingdom

Raymond Thurman raythurman2386
🇺🇸 Army Veteran 💼 Small Business Owner 💻 GIS Software Engineer All of my recent contributions and current projects are private repos.

Xcellent Technology Solutions Soper, Oklahoma

Schiller´s Spirit k571


Joshua Slui JoshuaSlui

@Dynamatrix The Netherlands

Ice Wolfy Icebluewolf
Discord: icewolfy Chat With Me In:
Toby tobezdev
I code sometimes. I also make music sometimes. Oh, yeah, I play a few games too.

@Quickfall @Reflective-LLM @CavernfallDev Hampshire, UK

@tahikato tahikato
My name is Julian. I'm a 15 year old developer. My code works sometimes.

Student Berlin, Germany

Hey guys, I run JDJG's Programs and I also try coding random programs time to time(working on secret projects time to time). @JDJG-Holding-Team

JDJG Holding Team United States

Dorikyh🍃 Dorikyh
FullStack Developer | @AureBot

AureBot Colombia

Henry PhHenryy
Hi, Iam a new Python programmer🖐
Soham Maity SpreadSheets600
Just A CS Student Who Loves To Code !


eg canering

Tampa, FL

headlessdev crocofied
Hobby fullstack developer

Berlin, Germany

James Mac jmd-au

@four18agency @my-brand-studio Melbourne, Australia

AidenJamesYt AidenJamesYt
i help around in the github community discussions area, so you'll likely see me helping out there!

@Fox-Studios-Scratch United States

Sevenworks SevenworksDev

Michealsoft Binbows Antarctica

Alejandro Xyehtz

none yet Toronto, Canada

BlueRobin Blue-Robin-Taken
Python developer who's still in High School
игорьмефедрон imfdrn
Python developer, Discord verifed dev.
chosen welnias Poland, United States

EpicSprout EpicSprout
✨ Creator of CosmoBot! 🚀 In development now!

@Incosmo @CosmoBotOfficial Australia

SilberGecko_TV SilberGecko6917

@Cookie-Services Germany

Anksio AnksioXD
On a mission to make bugs feel at home
Milaim Delija MilaimDeliu
The world doesn't need banks, politicians, or NGOs – it needs DAOs.

Neuronium Engineers Frankfurt

crane cryptiddddd
it's me. crane. these are my public projects, most of which i make public for the sake of others' reference. yay code no crypto!
red redtachyon19
figuring out the universe


Erwann Masson Hitsuji-M
Software Engineer @DataDog. Member of the @ClubNix and staff for @ChallengeHackDay

Datadog France

Anton Reyes AGR-Yes
Marketing Management x Data Science | DataViz and *trying* NLP

De La Salle University - Manila Metro Manila, Philippines