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Cogito Ergo Sum standardgalactic
   Standard Galactic Alphabet

Xanadu Canada

Claudiu Dangulea intiequals1

Claudiu Dangulea Vienna

Th3o aHumbleCultist
But a freedom-tech enjoyer


Defender DefenderOfBasic
Alex Burton Burtonia
Full-Stack Web & Software Developer JavaScript, Python, Ruby, PHP NodeJS, Flask, Ruby on Rails, WordPress

St. Petersburg, FL

Leo LeoBzs

Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil

Gargan68 TheGargan
balancing cosmic engineering

space UAS

Rafael Simon Garcia CamonZ
Senior Developer in Elixir and Distributed Systems
The Duke Report thedukereport
All News is Made Up, Some of it is True.

Peter Duke Media Consulting Pacific Palisades, CA

Josh Fairhead Joshfairhead
Noetic technologist


Josh Field HexaField
Building Spatial Internet APIs, tools and protocols.
Benjamin Goering gobengo
I like OSS and hacking around social web publishing, cloud computing, federated identity, open annotation, games, online communities

San Francisco, CA

sp//dr Geeblack


Ryan Taylor ryan-taylor
Tinker Taylor.

@goldfish-inc Fonthill

Michael Charles Finney charlesfinney

Wildgeese Int. Medical Squardone Kyiv