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Nick Lynch nicklynch

Curlew Research UK

Frederick Boehm fboehm
I study biostatistics, with a focus in statistical genetics. I strive to understand how our genes influence our health and biology.

South Dakota State University Brookings, South Dakota, USA

Paul L. Maurizio mauriziopaul
Bioinformatics Scientist at the NIH. Former postdoc at UChicago, Barreiro lab. PhD in Bioinformatics & Computational Biology with @williamvaldar & Mark Heise.

NIAID Bethesda, MD

Joel Peterson petersonjdNIH

National Institutes of Health Beaverton, Oregon

Douglas Fils fils

UCSD / SDSC Slater, Iowa

Nichollette Acosta NikkiBytes
Enthusiastic programmer with an inclination for finding patterns and working with scientific data.

Scripps Research

Elihu Ihms elihuihms
Working at the interface of sublime physics and sticky biology @niaid
