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Matthew Gwynfryn Thomas matthewgthomas
Anthropologist, charity data geek, writer.

London, UK

Jeroen Steggink jsteggink
Freelance AI/ML Strategist & Architect

@knowsy-nl Netherlands

Matteo Larrode MatteoLarrode

University of Oxford Oxford

Gilian GilianPonte
I am an Assistant Professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. In my research I try to address societally relevant issues in marketing.
Federico Magnani FMagnani
Currently seeking the Rokakaka fruit 🥝 in collaboration with the University of Bologna - Medical department.
Les LSped
AI Master student
ICT, organization, finance and life: empowerment ignites! Strengthening individuals, and stimulating growth through optimism and pragmatism


Robbert Bos robbertbos
AI Validation & Transparency at the Dutch Government + AI & Software Entrepreneur (a.o. @askanna-io)

@MinBZK Netherlands

Maud Stiernet milessea
AI and Accessibility Consultant

A Little Lining Comes Europe

Marick Manrho marickmanrho
Junior data analyst at Autoriteit Financiële Markten

Autoriteit Financiële Markten Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Mathias Felipe mathiasfls

Amsterdam, Netherlands

hack the planet
Sicco van Sas siccovansas
Developer at Open State Foundation | MSc AI into Open Data

@openstate Amsterdam, The Netherlands

rbnlngs rubenlangius
I like to do it all.

Freelance Zwolle

Emmanuel Jordy Menvouta emmanueljordy
Hey, I'm Emmanuel, I'm currently a PhD student in Statistics at KU Leuven

KU Leuven Belgium

Eike Petersen e-pet

Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Copenhagen, Denmark

Ayodeji Dare DDeji97
I am an artistic business intelligence expert who enjoys telling data stories with engaging visualization using paints and canvas such as PowerBI and Tableau.
Florian Idelberger step21


Jurriaan Parie
