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Nuño Sempere NunoSempere
Researcher, programmer, and forecaster.

Shapley Value Maximizers

Jonathan Shobrook shobrook
I work on AI and developer tools

San Francisco

Osnat Katz Moon astrosnat
prediction markets for science; generative AI in higher education; lapsed physicist
Fernando Mello ferdesmello
🌌Data analyst/scientist, independent astrobiology researcher.

São Paulo, Brazil

Mick Bransfield mickbransfield

Kingston Chase Consulting, LLC Pittsburgh, PA

Patrick Molgaard draaglom

Gazing out a train window.

Felix Nößler FelixNoessler
Doctoral student in ecological modelling

FU Berlin Potsdam

Max Ghenis MaxGhenis
Co-founder and CEO of @PolicyEngine

@PolicyEngine Washington, DC

Benjamin Manns benmanns

Health+Tech United States

Emanuele Ballarin emaballarin
PhD student in (neuro-inspired) Deep Learning. Also: robust / trustworthy / Bayesian DL, kernel methods, computational neuroscience. Overenthusiastic tinkerer.

Dept. of Maths, UniTS | @LACoNIC-UniTS ⊆ @ailab-units | @sissa-data-science | @AI-Student-Society Trieste, Italy