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GIS Guy & Geospatial Data Science
Porimol Chandro porimol
Data Science, Deep Learning & Natural Language Processing Practitioner.

Warsaw, Poland

Antony Barja ambarja
I love geography, geocomputation and spatial data science 🤓🌎⚕️.

Innovalab - UPCH Lima, Peru

Ruixiao Yang jeremyyang8
Ph.D. student in Spatial Data Science

The University of Manchester

HudsonShi HudsonShi
ex-IBMer CHD/SIT/PhD @ U of Alabama Open Source GeoAI AI for Mobility Enthusiast Computational Social Scientist ABM RL

University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL

Robin Cole robmarkcole
Tackling the worlds toughest challenges with AI & ML applied to satellite imagery

@earthdaily London, UK

Yuchen Wang wangyuchen97
Urban and rural planner & researcher Urban Data Science & Informatics

Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan

George Marbuah GMarbuah
Research Economist | African Development Bank
Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Lucas Félix lucasgsfelix
Data Scientist / Machine Learning Expert with Recommender Systems and Optimization specialization. PhD candidate at UFMG.

Federal University of Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte, Brazil

James Gaboardi jGaboardi
GIScience, Python, Spatial Optimization, Geocomputation, @pysal, @uscuni, @ORNL

ORNL Atlanta, GA

Junran Liang kingsley0107
data engineering


Uconn grad student @ dept of Geography | Contact: [email protected]
Shiqi Wang wsqstar
MSc GIS (with Merit) in Edinburgh. ------ B.E. Information Engineering at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Shandong Province, PRC

chenchen yan-yuchen

Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin, China

“All Models Are Wrong, but Some Are Useful”——George Box
Shen Liang nehSgnaiL

Hong Kong SAR, China

Sunyu Wang sywang-20

The University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Cristian Vergara Fernández cristianvergaraf
Data scientist interested in python programming for machine learning and geospatial applications.

Universidad de Alcalá de Henares España

Yue-Li LyPluss
AI,ML,DL,Big data
Xinyu DAI dxy99999
Econ PhD student at Brown | Sciences Po 22'

Brown University Providence

feng liufeng0612
graph neural network
Zhaonan Wang underdoc-wang
AP @NYUShanghai; Alumni PKU, BU, UTokyo, UIUC

@NYUShanghai Shanghai

Wen Ye wen-ye-xwz
dedicated to data-driven decisions and various machine learning techniques applied to geospatial data in particular

UW-Madison Department of Computer Science Madison, WI

Yuan-Tong Jiang marstonyjiang
whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. Never do things by halves. God rewards the diligent.The harder you work, the luckier you will be.

ZCQC Xiamen, China