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Khalid Khalidltf
I love coding in JavaScript 💛, also like Ruby ♥️ and I'm currently diving deep into React and Next.js
Anis safia anissafia90
I am a full-stack software engineer and writer. I love programming, reading, writing and speaking. As a software engineer, I enjoy using my obsessive attention

@ ALX Africa @GuildOpenTech Tunsia 🇹🇳

MasterWWW masterwww1
Senior Full Stack Engineer - React | React Native | Node.js | TypeScript | JavaScript | HTML | CSS | Next.js | Nest.js | MySQL | MongoDB
Siegfried SiegfriedBz
Ex-Biology Research Associate 🇨🇦🇫🇷 & Civil Engineer 🇫🇷🇨🇭 ❤️ TS | Zod | React | Next | Supabase | Tailwind CSS | shadcn/ui | Solidity/HardHat/Foundry


Börkur I. Jónsson Gsuz
CEO of Icelandic cryptocurrency fund - issuer of the Icelandic stablecoin ISKT.

Rafmyntasjóður Íslands Iceland

danieljogos stalkerDC
Defi, Crypto Games, Community.
launchspace launchspace
Accelerator for Radix dApps
Andrew Yunt andrewyunt
Software engineer intern at VMware.

Bainbridge Island, WA

Léo Nunes leonunesweb
Desenvolvedor Web a mais de 10 anos, sempre atento as novas tendências e tecnologias do nosso mercado! Amante de praia, cachorro e natureza!

Niteroi - RJ

dcts dcts
Interested in Bitcoin, Holochain and Radix. Contributor to DeXter. Co-Founder of

Google World

rianmanhente rianmanhente
oioi, meu nome é rian, estudante da UFRJ e FullStack Web Developer

EJCM Rio de janeiro


SingularityX Hungary

Timan Rebel timanrebel
Founder Astrolescent (@Astrolescent-Official) & CTO @groundcontrol Verify: #4604 -

Astrolescent Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Sepic rosopond
NFT, DeFi, TestNets, GameFi, Bounty, Airdrop

Greece, Athens