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Matthew voxelphase
Creating immersive audio and visual experiences with the aim of empowering a wide audience.

United States

RhizoSphere RhizoSphere

Undisclosed Location Somewhere in South-West Australia

Vimal mvimal2607

Tamilnadu, India

Igor ygorigor

Chisinau, Moldova

Repainter takamasa1999
Hi, I think the shape of ducks is too perfect to be adorable.


Dogukan Mertoglu dokick
- student at TU Berlin - programming for fun

Berlin, GER

Mike Thai m1kethai Toronto

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Jack jackdbai
Catholic | Husband | American | Infosec

@DataDome vallis lacrimarum

Jan jfheinemann
code coffee compulsions

Siegen, Germany

Ian Mwangi modaking
👨‍💻 Full-Stack Developer | Skilled Python & IoT Enthusiast | OS & Hardware Programmer(Asembly x86 and C)| Bash and System Admin dev.


Andrew Chou achou11
none too happy

@digidem NYC

Naftali Murgor naftalimurgor
Indie Maker. I write tutorials for developers at

@sevault Third Realm

Yousif He-Is-HaZaRdOuS
Bushcat is lub, bushcat is lyfe.               Honorable mention: @Bush-cat

Iraq, Baghdad

meyer meyer-net
Code farming life,Tired and happy。


Morgan BERTINMorgan
French students at a space engineer school

ISAE - Supaero Toulouse

Bismark Agyapong bismarkagyapong
I am Bismark. I love tech related stuffs. I'm new into coding and website development.

@Markmix-Studios London, United Kingdom

Tactus tactus1
Hello! I am Tactus. I am a developer interested in multiple topics such as Android, HTML, Python etc.

Dactu Technologies S.R.L.

cacu carlosm2

Tierra Comun Coop México City

Himanshu Dube himanshudube97
A FullStack Web Developer. JavaScript, TypeScript,Reactjs, Nextjs, Nodejs, Typeorm, Mongodb, MySql, Docker, AWS, Redis,


MD Limon Husain ImLimonH
I’m a passionate entrepreneur with a vision to make a mark in the Bangladesh Web space. Driven by innovation and inspired by possibilities.

Complex Dream Studios Bangladesh

FLYBI medmar22
I know nothing
Hale 0-404
I'm a student of electrical automation and I study systems development, Debian-based Linux systems as a hobby and enthusiast of telecommunications and games.


Karol Skoczyk qrxnz
haters > /dev/null


Nirmalya Nayak nayak-nirmalya
Software Developer

NA Odisha, India

CxuLo cxulo

Slovakia, Bratislava