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Rafael S. de Souza RafaelSdeSouza
Astrophysics, Bayesian, and Deep Learning Researcher @COINtoolbox

University of Hertfordshire London

KARTAVAY kartavayv
I love Programming


A Chinese Guy Loves Lionel Messi

Yunnan University China

Martin Kilbinger martinkilbinger

CEA Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Ricardo Ogando ricardogando
Astronomer in Rio de Janeiro. Cluster of galaxies and other stuff. Large surveys. Teaches scientific computing to grad students.

Observatório Nacional Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

Lilianne Nakazono marixko
Postdoc researcher @ IFUSP

IF-USP Brazil

Andrew Engel awe2
Physics PhD Student at Ohio State University
Workin' on 🧠 | 💪 | 🖥️


Aditya 8dualityisreality8
Hi, I am a radio astronomer and I use Jeans equations, N-body simulations, MCMC methods in my research on galactic dynamics.

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Tirupati

Lorenzo Campoli lkampoli
Research Fellow @unimelb

The University of Melbourne Melbourne

Angelo Varlotta varlottaang
Biologist. Interested in Applied ML and Responsible AI. Volunteer @ClimateMatchAcademy
