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Sachith sachithdh
A Programmer / Developer / Computer Science undergraduate

Kandy, Sri Lanka

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Brian M Johnson Brian-M-J
Student. AI, Mojo and Python enthusiast.
John Kihiu KihiuJohn
🌟 Hi there! I'm John 👨‍💻 Aspiring Sorcerer of Code 🧙‍♂️

John K


i-Tech Support

Martin Rosbund isb-mrosbund
Kuntergrau Dunkelbunt

@isb-group-de Sankt Augustin

Tsuki Kami kami-tsuki
Im a BackEnd Developer in appearenceship I develope in C#.

@Kami-Studios Germany

Soporboy sbatirov
CTO/CPO/Senior Data Engineer

EverbestLab LLC Tashkent

Sinthon SENG xinthon
Exploring Deep Learning. Thinks like a processor.


Dan Zabinski danz50of

Peerless Industries, INC. Aurora, IL

LegendaryStar legendarystar143590
Project Manager | Innovative ML/ Generative AI Developer Leading high tech project in Google relating to LLM, MLOps
Joe Hernandez paxjoe123

PAX Labs San Francisco

Roger Creasy RogerCreasy
Full stack dev with 3+ decades of programming experience. Currently working primarily with PHP, javascript, and pretending to be a VMWare and Linux SysOP.

Liberty, NC

Dede Adam Alamsyah dedeadamalamsyah
Web Developer | C# Developer | @Acumatica Developer

Think Tank Solusindo Jakarta, Indonesia

TS@BOBInc tshermanbob

Business Opportunities Brokers Inc. Kingston, Jamaica

Matthew Myers kf5upm
I'm complex.

Independant Time and Space

IHaidov IHaidov
.NET software engineer | CS Engineer | PUT SE Master's student

Poznań, Poland

johnny-jtangtech jtt-jtang
Owner Of JTang Technologies

JTang Technologies Dallas, TX

AI zgm888

AI 北京