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Luiz Felipe Anunciato Nobre LuizAnunciato
I am passionate about Neural Chips and I will specialize in Neurotechnology. Currently, I am studying Computer Science 🖱️.

academiadodropbrasil Jacareí, SP

Alevand alevandx
Programmer Accountant | Communication | Bitcoin & P2P Enthusiast | Bassist | Nostr: npub1gnu9qqag6mc9ektx293x06x22yga79vn8cv9hwqwnafydt8nxa0swj39hk


Jefferson Gonçalves jeffersongoncalves
PHP/Laravel developer from Brazil 🇧🇷🇺🇦 DeveloperPHP/Laravel @jsgtecnologia and @sistemaboss


2014 5atoshiNakamoto
Book editor for over a decade; I'll fix your doc typos as I learn git. Host of Bantu Bitcoin, Bemba language Bitcoin-only education podcast from rural Zambia.

an American in rural Zambia

MrJohnsson MrJohnsson77

@Talentech-Consulting @Ventunix-Consulting Marbella, Spain

Seth Wynne sethwynne
Product designer creating meaningful experiences through human-centered design.
Ascot koqoo
Disruptive Stuff ᴼᴺly 🧡 🦾