diff --git a/app-dev/devops-and-containers/functions/java-helloworld-with-local-dev-and-oci-functions/README.md b/app-dev/devops-and-containers/functions/java-helloworld-with-local-dev-and-oci-functions/README.md index 8807f6c66..66c113996 100644 --- a/app-dev/devops-and-containers/functions/java-helloworld-with-local-dev-and-oci-functions/README.md +++ b/app-dev/devops-and-containers/functions/java-helloworld-with-local-dev-and-oci-functions/README.md @@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ docker build -t fra.ocir.io/<YOUR OCI TENANCY NAMESPACE>/helloworld-java:1 In the docker build command above replace the region if necessary and the <YOUR OCI TENANCY NAMESPACE> with yours. -

After building let's do docker login and docker push to push the container to the OCIR repo: @@ -130,6 +129,16 @@ docker login ams.ocir.io -u '<YOUR OCI TENANCY NAMESPACE>/oracleidentitycl docker push fra.ocir.io/<YOUR OCI TENANCY NAMESPACE>/helloworld-java:1 +

+The same as above but using OCI cli to get the <YOUR OCI TENANCY NAMESPACE> which is especially handy in scripting: + + +export namespace=$(oci os ns get | jq .data | tr -d '"') +docker build -t fra.ocir.io/$namespace/helloworld-java:1 . +docker push fra.ocir.io/$namespace/helloworld-java:1 + + +

The last step is to create the Function Application and the function deployment for it. This can be easily done using the Cloud UI.