- Typo inside div tag corrected
- Security updates for the following Gems: ffi, nokogiri, rack, rails-html-sanitizer, loofah, yard
- Allow ERB syntax in
- Can specify carrierwave storage in
- Fixed namespacing bugs
- fix No such middleware to insert before: ActionDispatch::Static (Thanks to @scottbarrow)
- Fix JqueryUI datepicker (Thanks to @edgarlepe)
- Fix activerecord.errors.models translations being truncated by gem.
- Fixed compatibility with Rails 5
- Added support for Rails 5
- Gem updates
- Gem dependencies upated: carrierwave
- Gem dependencies updated
- Precompile rules for assets added
- typo fixes and pull request merges
- Gem dependencies updated
- Gem dependencies updated.
- 118n support now available. Locale files can be found at /config/locales/
- Proud to announce the first stable release with the new backend!
- Minor fixes since v0.9.0
- Have fun ;)
- New backend: the entire backend has been restyled and made responsive
- New default hero images! NOTE: The old default images have been removed ("001_dark.jpg", "001.jpg", "002_dark.jpg", "002.jpg", "003_dark.jpg", "003.jpg"). If you want to further use them, just copy them over to your public/herodirectory and add them to the config/lines_config.yml
- New config variable blog_name. NOTE: Adjust your current lines_config.yml and add the blog_name option.
- article#show action now list 2 related articles at the bottom
- Lots of style adjustments
- Lots of bug fixes
- updated dependend gems
- Users are now able to reset their passwords.
- Default styles updated. If you want to use the new version, you have to overwrite your existing lines css files.
- new generator +rails g lines:copy_styles+ added to update stylesheets from newer gem versions
- IMPORTANT: please adjust your +config/lines_config.yml+ and add +from_email+ according to the following example:
development: host: "localhost:3000" from_email: '[email protected]' test: host: "test.local" from_email: '[email protected]' production: host: "blog.opoloo.com" from_email: '[email protected]'
- updated required gems (actionpack and redcarpet security alerts)
- Completely moved from sprockets to SASS @import statements. Be aware that you have to remove all "*= require" statements from your CSS manifest and use @import instead. For more information, see: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html
- Require statements from css manifest files removed that prevented @import statements to work correctly
- renamed .css.scss files to .scss due to Rails deprecation warning
- Fixed caching bug.
- Fixed issue #2 (missing brypt-ruby dependency)
- Updated rmagick gem
- BUGFIX: stylesheet for pagination is now included correctly
- upgraded gem versions and dependencies
- mior fixe
- Meta Tags and OpenGraph Tags fixed
- CSS finetuning. CSS files are now splitted into semantic parts.
- Override file for custom CSS added (lines_overrides.css.scss)
- Rendering of teaser extracted to helper method 'render_teaser'
- Pagination (kaminari gem) fixed: templates are now loaded from app/views/kaminari/lines/ as theme
- Install generator: paginator templates from kaminari gem are now correctly added to host app
- Fonts are now referenced by unified names and font attributes ('Ubuntu' instead of 'UbuntuBold' and 'UbuntuItalic')
- Heavily simplified CSS and markup for articles
- Teaser is back!
- Various small bug fixes
- Version badge added to README
- Cleaned up gemspec
- Obsolete files removed to reduce gem's filesize
- Layout file for preview will now be copied from install_generator
- [fix] seeds.rb entries corrected
- CHANGELOG.md added