Project Proposal is due 2015-04-08 at 8am
Produce a plan for your final project, and prepare an in-class presentation.
Ask questions, as always, on piazza!
Teams will submit ONE written proposal, with sections that each member has done individually detailing their proposed contributions. The submission will be on github, as a pull request of this very file. Below is a template proposal report.
You should be proposing something that you have high confidence that you can achieve, and the proposal should project that confidence. The proposal should be no longer than necessary, but long enough to include critical detail. Three pages is appropriate. Diagrams are welcome.
Remember, you can do some neat formatting things with Markdown.
Teams will each deliver an in-class presentation. Presentations will be Wednesday, April 8 (and Friday, April 10 as necessary). The presentation material is due on April 8 by 9 am for everybody. See piazza for full schedule.
Your team will have two minutes to present. Create presentation with two or three slides. Make the slides in google drive, and share the public-viewable link at the bottom of this report. The day of presentations, I'll have the list of links on the display computer, so each team can simply click their link and begin.
(Template follows. You may delete this line and all above it. Please edit the following template to create your report.)
Describe your problem, and why it is interesting.
Explain what approaches from class you will bring to bear on the problem. Be explicit and succinct.
If you will be working with existing data, where will you get those data from? (Dowload it from a website? access it in a database? create it in a simulation you will build....)
How will you convert that data into a form usable for your project?
Do your homework here: if you are pulling data from somewhere, actually go download it and look at it. Explain in some detail what your plan is for accomplishing the necessary processing.
If you are using some other starting materails, explain what they are. Basically: anything you plan to use that isn't code.
Explain exactly what you'll have at the end. What will it be able to do at the live demo?
What exactly will you produce at the end of the project? A piece of software, yes, but what will it do? Here are some questions to think about (and answer depending on your application).
Will it run on some data, like batch mode? Will you present some analytical results of the processing? How can it be re-run on different source data?
Will it be interactive? Can you show it working? This project involves a live demo, so interactivity is good.
How will you know if you are successful? If you include some kind of quantitative analysis, that would be fantastic.
Explain how you will go from proposal to finished product. Write your general plan here. There are three deliverable milestones to explicitly define, below. The nature of deliverables depend on your project, but may include things like processed data ready for import, core algorithms implemented, interface design prototyped, etc.
You will be expected to turn in code, documentation, and data (as appropriate) at each of these stages, so take care in writing concrete steps for your schedule.
In this general plan, and in the deliverables below.
What exactly will be turned in on this day?
What exactly will be turned in on this day?
Here each group member gets a section where they, as an individual, detail what they are responsible for in this project. Each group member writes their own Responsibility section. Include the milestones and final deliverable.
will write the....
will work on...
insert your google presentation public link here, so with one click it will open up in the browser and you can present.