diff --git a/docs/dev/index.md b/docs/dev/index.md
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+++ b/docs/dev/index.md
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+ [Pagination](opensearch-pagination.md): pagination implementation by OpenSearch scroll API
+ [Pagination in V2](Pagination-v2.md): pagination implementation in V2 engine
+ [Nested Function](sql-nested-function.md): Nested function in sql plugin
+ + [Join Field Type](opensearch-same-table-join-query.md): Same-Table Joins using the OpenSearch join field type
+ [Prometheus](datasource-prometheus.md): Prometheus query federation
+ **File System**
+ [Querying S3](datasource-query-s3.md): S3 query federation proposal
diff --git a/docs/dev/opensearch-same-table-join-query.md b/docs/dev/opensearch-same-table-join-query.md
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+# Overview
+The OpenSearch SQL plugin provides a thin-client language-processing engine from SQL to an OpenSeach instance. The SQL
+language is a relational language that provides the JOIN feature to relate tables together by field or expression. OpenSearch
+offers a similar relation mapping within an index, that allows users to relate same-index documents using a parent-child
+This proposal is to outline the limits of a same-table (ie same-index) join relation from SQL grammar, and provide use
+cases for same-table JOINs.
+# Same-Table Joins Query Design
+OpenSearch provides a schema-flexible indexing solution with a 'join' object type (see: [join fields](https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/field-types/join/))
+that allows users to simulate join relations. There are a couple of restrictions on the join field relations: mainly,
+only one relation is allowed per index, and the relations are parent-child relations.
+Joins in a SQL context aim to join relations between two separate tables, and merge them into a single result table. OpenSearch
+can do the same relation join within a single index. This proposal provides syntax to join data within a single index
+together into a single result set.
+## 1. Motivation
+[[FEATURE] Support for subqueries or chaining of queries](https://github.com/opensearch-project/sql/issues/1441) describes
+an example use-case where we may want to join logs within a single index that have a common request or application identifier.
+## 2. References
+* [[FEATURE] Support for subqueries or chaining of queries](https://github.com/opensearch-project/sql/issues/1441)
+* [[BUG] implicit join returns wrong results](https://github.com/opensearch-project/sql/issues/683)
+* [[FEATURE] Allow individual shards to be targeted during query execution](https://github.com/opensearch-project/sql/issues/1478)
+ * [Support for _routing field in SQL queries](https://github.com/opendistro-for-elasticsearch/sql/issues/1151)
+* [Nested Design](https://github.com/Bit-Quill/opensearch-project-sql/pull/262)
+* [opensearch.org: Join field type](https://opensearch.org/docs/latest/field-types/join/)
+* [PariQL](https://partiql.org/)
+## 3. Assumptions/Dependencies
+* _shard must be defined for any query using a same-table join
+* Same-Table joins requires that the following work is complete:
+ * Table/Indices can be aliased, for example: `SELECT t.fieldA, t.fieldB FROM table t WHERE t.fieldA = t.fieldB`
+### 3.1 Out of Scope
+* Fix for implicit JOINs [[BUG] implicit join returns wrong results](https://github.com/opensearch-project/sql/issues/683)
+* Fix for _shard or _routing [[FEATURE] Allow individual shards to be targeted during query execution](https://github.com/opensearch-project/sql/issues/1478)
+* Performance on the OpenSearch side
+* Multiple-shard queries using `join`
+* `join` using lateral-table support [PartiQL support in OpenSearch SQL V2](https://github.com/opensearch-project/sql/issues/1104)
+* Pagination using `join` or other complex types
+### 3.2 Design Decisions
+* JOIN-relations architecture is built to work in combination with the `nested` and `object` data types. This architecture allows
+ both same-table joins and nested object (using PartiQL) to share execution paths and syntax. This shared
+ solution can expand support for `lateral` tables and enable `lateral join` and `lateral nested` queries.
+ * see [Add support for PArtiQL in V2 engine](https://github.com/opensearch-project/sql/issues/1104)
+### 3.3. Storage Type
+* `reference to opensearch doc`
+* `Describe how to define the JOIN-relation`
+* `What the datatype can do`
+* `What the datatype cannot do`
+## 4. Use Cases
+Use Cases with examples for all the ways the join field can be accessed in OpenSearch. Each use case contains examples,
+with data and mappings defined in the Annex.
+### 4.1 Case SELECT... FROM... JOIN ON parent relation
+Example query (SQL):
+FROM got AS m
+JOIN got as h ON (m.house_relation.member = h.house_relation.house)
+WHERE h.house.name = "Targaryen"
+Expected Request to OpenSearch:
+ "query": {
+ "bool": {
+ "must": [
+ {
+ "has_parent": {
+ "parent_type": "house",
+ "query": {
+ "match": {
+ "house.name": "Targaryen"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "term": {
+ "house_relation": "member"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "_source": {
+ "includes": [],
+ "excludes": []
+ }
+Expected Response (OpenSearch-JSON):
+ "took": 5,
+ "timed_out": false,
+ "_shards": {
+ "total": 1,
+ "successful": 1,
+ "skipped": 0,
+ "failed": 0
+ },
+ "hits": {
+ "total": {
+ "value": 1,
+ "relation": "eq"
+ },
+ "max_score": 1.0,
+ "hits": [
+ {
+ "_index": "got-joins",
+ "_id": "4",
+ "_score": 1.0,
+ "_routing": "1",
+ "_source": {
+ "house_relation": {
+ "name": "member",
+ "parent": "1"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "firstname": "Daenerys",
+ "lastname": "Targaryen"
+ },
+ "nickname": "Daenerys \"Stormborn\"",
+ "gender": "F",
+ "parents": {
+ "father": "Aerys",
+ "mother": "Rhaella"
+ },
+ "titles": [
+ {
+ "title": "Mother Of Dragons"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Queen Of The Andals"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Breaker Of Chains"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Khaleesi"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+### 4.2 Case SELECT... FROM... JOIN USING parent relation
+The JOIN USING syntax is a shortcut syntax for the ON (relation.parent) syntax, and only works when the relation only contains
+a single parent: child relation. If multiple relations are defined, the USING syntax is ambiguous and a semantic error
+needs to throw for the user to correct the syntax.
+The results of this example are exactly the same as case 4.1, but only works with a mapping that is simplified. The following
+mapping change is needed from the demo mapping provided in annex A.
+Mapping data:
+ "house_relation": {
+ "type": "join",
+ "relations": {
+ "house": "member"
+ }
+ },
+Example query (SQL):
+FROM got AS m
+JOIN got as h USING house_relation
+WHERE h.house.name = "Targaryan"
+Expected Request to OpenSearch:
+ "query": {
+ "bool": {
+ "must": [
+ {
+ "has_parent": {
+ "parent_type": "house",
+ "query": {
+ "match": {
+ "house.name": "Targaryen"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "term": {
+ "house_relation": "member"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "_source": {
+ "includes": [],
+ "excludes": []
+ }
+Expected Response (OpenSearch-JSON):
+ "took": 5,
+ "timed_out": false,
+ "_shards": {
+ "total": 1,
+ "successful": 1,
+ "skipped": 0,
+ "failed": 0
+ },
+ "hits": {
+ "total": {
+ "value": 1,
+ "relation": "eq"
+ },
+ "max_score": 1.0,
+ "hits": [
+ {
+ "_index": "got-joins",
+ "_id": "4",
+ "_score": 1.0,
+ "_routing": "1",
+ "_source": {
+ "house_relation": {
+ "name": "member",
+ "parent": "1"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "firstname": "Daenerys",
+ "lastname": "Targaryen"
+ },
+ "nickname": "Daenerys \"Stormborn\"",
+ "gender": "F",
+ "parents": {
+ "father": "Aerys",
+ "mother": "Rhaella"
+ },
+ "titles": [
+ {
+ "title": "Mother Of Dragons"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Queen Of The Andals"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Breaker Of Chains"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Khaleesi"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+### 4.3 Case SELECT... FROM... JOIN ON... WHERE parent relation
+Summary: In this case, we are joining from `child` to `parent` using the `has_parent` relation query.
+Example query (SQL):
+SELECT m.name, h.house.name, h.house.words
+FROM got AS m
+ JOIN got as h ON (m.house_relation.member = h.house_relation.house)
+WHERE h.house.name = "Stark"
+Expected Request to OpenSearch:
+ "query": {
+ "bool": {
+ "must": [
+ {
+ "has_parent": {
+ "parent_type": "house",
+ "query": {
+ "match": {
+ "house.name": "Stark"
+ }
+ },
+ "inner_hits": {
+ "_source": {
+ "includes": [
+ "house.name",
+ "house.words"
+ ],
+ "excludes": []
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "term": {
+ "house_relation": "member"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "_source": {
+ "includes": [
+ "name",
+ "house_relation"
+ ],
+ "excludes": []
+ }
+Expected Response (OpenSearch-JSON):
+ "took": 5,
+ "timed_out": false,
+ "_shards": {
+ "total": 1,
+ "successful": 1,
+ "skipped": 0,
+ "failed": 0
+ },
+ "hits": {
+ "total": {
+ "value": 2,
+ "relation": "eq"
+ },
+ "max_score": 2.2685113,
+ "hits": [
+ {
+ "_index": "got-joins",
+ "_id": "5",
+ "_score": 2.2685113,
+ "_routing": "1",
+ "_source": {
+ "house_relation": {
+ "parent": "2",
+ "name": "member"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "firstname": "Eddard",
+ "lastname": "Stark"
+ }
+ },
+ "inner_hits": {
+ "house": {
+ "hits": {
+ "total": {
+ "value": 1,
+ "relation": "eq"
+ },
+ "max_score": 1.540445,
+ "hits": [
+ {
+ "_index": "got-joins",
+ "_id": "2",
+ "_score": 1.540445,
+ "_routing": "1",
+ "_source": {
+ "house": {
+ "name": "Stark",
+ "words": "Winter Is Coming"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "_index": "got-joins",
+ "_id": "6",
+ "_score": 2.2685113,
+ "_routing": "1",
+ "_source": {
+ "house_relation": {
+ "parent": "2",
+ "name": "member"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "firstname": "Brandon",
+ "lastname": "Stark"
+ }
+ },
+ "inner_hits": {
+ "house": {
+ "hits": {
+ "total": {
+ "value": 1,
+ "relation": "eq"
+ },
+ "max_score": 1.540445,
+ "hits": [
+ {
+ "_index": "got-joins",
+ "_id": "2",
+ "_score": 1.540445,
+ "_routing": "1",
+ "_source": {
+ "house": {
+ "name": "Stark",
+ "words": "Winter Is Coming"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+### 4.4 Case SELECT... FROM... JOIN... WHERE on child relation
+Summary: In this case, we are joining from `parent` to `child` using the `has_child` relation query.
+Example query (SQL):
+SELECT m.name, h.housename, h.words
+FROM got AS h
+JOIN got as m ON (m.house_relation.member = h.house_relation.house)
+WHERE nested(m.titles, m.titles.title = "Kingslayer"))
+Expected Request to OpenSearch:
+ "query": {
+ "bool": {
+ "must": [
+ {
+ "has_child": {
+ "type": "member",
+ "query": {
+ "nested": {
+ "path": "titles",
+ "query": {
+ "bool": {
+ "must": {
+ "match": {
+ "titles.title": "Kingslayer"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "inner_hits": {
+ "_source": {
+ "includes": [
+ "name"
+ ],
+ "excludes": []
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "term": {
+ "house_relation": "house"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "_source": {
+ "includes": [
+ "house"
+ ],
+ "excludes": []
+ }
+Expected Response (OpenSearch-JSON):
+ "took": 5,
+ "timed_out": false,
+ "_shards": {
+ "total": 1,
+ "successful": 1,
+ "skipped": 0,
+ "failed": 0
+ },
+ "hits": {
+ "total": {
+ "value": 1,
+ "relation": "eq"
+ },
+ "max_score": 1.0,
+ "hits": [
+ {
+ "_index": "got-joins",
+ "_id": "3",
+ "_score": 1.0,
+ "_routing": "1",
+ "_source": {
+ "house": {
+ "seat": "Casterly Rock",
+ "sigil": "Lion",
+ "name": "Lannister",
+ "words": "Hear Me Roar"
+ }
+ },
+ "inner_hits": {
+ "member": {
+ "hits": {
+ "total": {
+ "value": 1,
+ "relation": "eq"
+ },
+ "max_score": 2.4849067,
+ "hits": [
+ {
+ "_index": "got-joins",
+ "_id": "7",
+ "_score": 2.4849067,
+ "_routing": "1",
+ "_source": {
+ "name": {
+ "firstname": "Jaime",
+ "lastname": "Lannister"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+### 4.6 Case SELECT... FROM... JOIN ON (parent _id)
+Summary: In this case, we are joining from `child` to `parent` on a specific `_id` using the `parent_id` relation query.
+This finds a specific document id as the parent.
+Example query (SQL):
+SELECT vh.house, vh.house_relation.name
+FROM got AS vh
+JOIN got as h ON (h._id = "3")
+Expected Request to OpenSearch:
+ "query": {
+ "parent_id": {
+ "type": "vassel_house",
+ "id": "3"
+ }
+ },
+ "_source": {
+ "includes": [
+ "house",
+ "house_relation.name"
+ ],
+ "excludes": []
+ }
+Expected Response (OpenSearch-JSON):
+ "took": 3,
+ "timed_out": false,
+ "_shards": {
+ "total": 1,
+ "successful": 1,
+ "skipped": 0,
+ "failed": 0
+ },
+ "hits": {
+ "total": {
+ "value": 1,
+ "relation": "eq"
+ },
+ "max_score": 1.3121864,
+ "hits": [
+ {
+ "_index": "got-joins",
+ "_id": "12",
+ "_score": 1.3121864,
+ "_routing": "1",
+ "_source": {
+ "house_relation": {
+ "name": "vassel_house"
+ },
+ "house": {
+ "seat": "Crakehall",
+ "sigil": "Brindled Boar",
+ "name": "Crakehall",
+ "words": "None So Fierce"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+### 4.7 Case JOIN on multiple children
+Summary: In this case, we have multiple children of `house` (children are `member`, `retainer` and `vassel_house`), and
+we are joining the `house` table with each of these children.
+Note, the Mapping file in the Annex contains:
+ "mappings": {
+ "properties": {
+ "house_relation": {
+ "type": "join",
+ "relations": {
+ "house": [
+ "member",
+ "retainer",
+ "vassel_house"
+ ],
+ "vassel_house": "vassel"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Example query (SQL):
+SELECT m_or_r_or_vh.name, m_or_r_or_vh.house
+FROM got AS m_or_r_or_vh
+JOIN got as h ON (m_or_r_or_vh.house_relation.member = h.house_relation.house
+ OR m_or_r_or_vh.house_relation.retainer = h.house_relation.house
+ OR m_or_r_or_vh.house_relation.vassel_house = h.house_relation.house
+ )
+WHERE h.house.name = "Targaryen"
+Expected Request to OpenSearch:
+ "query": {
+ "bool": {
+ "must": [
+ {
+ "has_parent": {
+ "parent_type": "house",
+ "query": {
+ "match": {
+ "house.name": "Stark"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "should": [
+ {
+ "term": {
+ "house_relation": "member"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "term": {
+ "house_relation": "retainer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "term": {
+ "house_relation": "vassel_house"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "minimum_should_match" : 1
+ }
+ },
+ "_source": {
+ "includes": [
+ "name",
+ "house"
+ ],
+ "excludes": []
+ }
+### 4.8 Case JOIN ON Children and Grandchildren
+Summary: In this case, we have a child of a child of the `house`. Child is `vassel_house`, and the child of `vassel_house`
+is `vassel`. We are doing two joins from table to table to table.
+Example query (SQL):
+SELECT v.name, h.house.name, h.house.words
+FROM got AS v
+JOIN got as vh ON (v.house_relation.vassel = vh.house_relation.vassel_house)
+JOIN got as h ON (vh.house_relation.vassel_house = h.house_relation.house)
+WHERE h.house.name = "Start"
+Expected Request to OpenSearch:
+ "query": {
+ "bool": {
+ "must": [
+ {
+ "has_parent": {
+ "parent_type": "vassel_house",
+ "query": {
+ "bool": {
+ "must": [
+ {
+ "has_parent": {
+ "parent_type": "house",
+ "query": {
+ "match": {
+ "house.name": "Stark"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "term": {
+ "house_relation": "vassel_house"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "term": {
+ "house_relation": "vassel"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "_source": {
+ "includes": [
+ "name"
+ ],
+ "excludes": []
+ }
+Expected Response (OpenSearch-JSON):
+ "took": 5,
+ "timed_out": false,
+ "_shards": {
+ "total": 1,
+ "successful": 1,
+ "skipped": 0,
+ "failed": 0
+ },
+ "hits": {
+ "total": {
+ "value": 2,
+ "relation": "eq"
+ },
+ "max_score": 2.5198257,
+ "hits": [
+ {
+ "_index": "got-joins",
+ "_id": "14",
+ "_score": 2.5198257,
+ "_routing": "1",
+ "_source": {
+ "name": {
+ "firstname": "Roose",
+ "lastname": "Bolton"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "_index": "got-joins",
+ "_id": "15",
+ "_score": 2.5198257,
+ "_routing": "1",
+ "_source": {
+ "name": {
+ "firstname": "Ramsey",
+ "lastname": "Bolton"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+## 5. Functional Requirements
+| Feature | Priority | Phase |
+| Table alias | dependency | * |
+| [Implicit joins](https://github.com/opensearch-project/sql/issues/683) | dependency | * |
+| Including routing_id API option | must have | * |
+| Update datatype to accept joins type | must have | P0 |
+| Check for semantic errors on mapping | must have | P0 |
+| Add parser support for JOIN...USING... | must have | P0 |
+| Allow for parent-child joins | must have | P0 |
+| Allow for child-parent joins | must have | P0 |
+| Retrieve inner_hits | must have | P0 |
+| Allow for parent_id joins | nice to have | P1 |
+| Aggregation on children | nice to have | P2 |
+| Sorting on children | nice to have | P2 |
+| Documentation for same-table Joins | must have | P0 |
+_Phase `*`_ denotes dependencies that must be completed prior to starting this work.
+### 5.1 Release Schedule
+| Release | Dependency | Effort |
+| Phase 0 - containing basic support for parent-child mapping
Allows for | must have | P0 |
+| Check for semantic errors on mapping | must have | P0 |
+| Including routing_id API option | must have | P0 |
+| Add parser support for JOIN...USING... | must have | P0 |
+| Allow for parent-child joins | must have | P0 |
+| Allow for child-parent joins | must have | P0 |
+| Retrieve inner_hits | must have | P0 |
+| Allow for parent_id joins | nice to have | P1 |
+| Aggregation on children | nice to have | P1 |
+| Sorting on children | nice to have | P1 |
+| Documentation for same-table Joins | must have | P0 |
+## 6. High-Level Design
+### 6.1 Parser Syntax
+ : FROM relation
+ (joinClause)? // for same-table joins and lateral joins
+ (whereClause)?
+ (groupByClause)?
+ (havingClause)?
+ (orderByClause)? // Place it under FROM for now but actually not necessary ex. A UNION B ORDER BY
+ ;
+ : tableName (AS? alias)? #tableAsRelation
+ | LR_BRACKET subquery=querySpecification RR_BRACKET AS? alias #subqueryAsRelation
+ ;
+ // | (INNER | CROSS)? JOIN LATERAL? tableName (AS? alias)?
+ : JOIN tableName (AS? alias)?
+ (
+ ON expression
+ )? #innerJoin
+ // | STRAIGHT_JOIN tableSourceItem (ON expression)? #straightJoin
+ // | (LEFT | RIGHT) OUTER? JOIN LATERAL? tableSourceItem
+ // (
+ // ON expression
+ // | USING '(' uidList ')'
+ // ) #outerJoin
+ // | NATURAL ((LEFT | RIGHT) OUTER?)? JOIN tableSourceItem #naturalJoin
+ ;
+The above grammar contains commented out grammar that may be useful for future JOIN work, and was copied from the ANSI-SQL-92
+documentation. For example, the `JOIN LATERAL ON | USING` grammar may be useful for lateral joins that will be discussed
+briefly in the document below.
+The above grammar supports the following use-cases:
+#### 6.1.1. Same-table JOIN using the `has_parent` relation:
+FROM table AS tableAlias
+JOIN table AS joinTableAlias USING (relation.parent)
+Where `relation` is the data field mapped as a `join` type, with parent:child, and we want to join on the parent documents
+in the relation. Note: if the relation is ambiguous (because more than one relationship is defined for the `parent`), this
+syntax will report an error.
+#### 6.1.2. Same-table JOIN using the `has_child` relation:
+FROM table AS tableAlias
+JOIN table AS joinTableAlias USING (relation.child)
+Where `relation` is the data field mapped as a `join` type, with `parent:child`, and we want to join on the children documents
+in the relation. Note: if the relation is ambiguous (because more than one relationship is defined for the `child`), this
+syntax will report an error.
+#### 6.1.3. Same-table JOIN using either `has_parnet` or `has_child` relation:
+FROM table AS tableAlias
+JOIN table AS joinTableAlias ON (joinTableAlias.relation.parent = tableAlias.relation.child)
+Where `relation` is the data field mapped as a `join` type, with `parent:child`, and we want to join on parent documents using
+the index scan `tableAlias` abd child documents using the index scan `joinTableAlias`. Note: this syntax is more explicit
+that the above syntax and can be used when there are multiple relations defined in the index mapping.
+#### 6.1.4. Same-table JOIN using `parent_id` relation:
+FROM table AS tableAlias
+JOIN table AS joinTableAlias ON (joinTableAlias.relation.parent = 'myId')
+Where `relation` is the data field mapped as a `join` type, and we want to join on the parent documents with `_id` equal
+to the string `myId`.
+### 6.2 Presentations
+The following diagram explains the proposed sequence to create JOIN request to OpenSearch
+#### 6.2.1 Logical Plan Changes
+The following diagram shows the placement of the `LogicalJoinRelation` as part of the Logical Plan, and the `InnerHitsOperator`
+(name is pending) as part of the physical plan.
+direction LR
+ LogicalPlan --> OptimizedLogicalPlan: Create IndexScanBuilder
+ OptimizedLogicalPlan --> PhysicalPlan: Build Query
+ state "Logical Plan" as LogicalPlan
+ state LogicalPlan {
+ logState1: LogicalProject
+ logState2: LogicalSort
+ logState3: LogicalFilter
+ logState4: LogicalJoinRelation
+ logState5: LogicalRelation
+ logState1 --> logState2
+ logState2 --> logState3
+ logState3 --> logState4
+ logState4 --> logState5
+ }
+ state "Optimized Logical Plan" as OptimizedLogicalPlan
+ state OptimizedLogicalPlan {
+ optState1: LogicalProject
+ optState2: LogicalSort
+ optState3: LogicalFilter
+ optState4: LogicalJoinRelation
+ optState5: OpenSearchIndexScanBuilder
+ optState1 --> optState2
+ optState2 --> optState3
+ optState3 --> optState4
+ optState4 --> optState5
+ }
+ state "Physical Plan" as PhysicalPlan
+ state PhysicalPlan {
+ phyState1: ProjectOperator
+ phyState2: InnerHitsOperator
+ phyState3: OpenSearchIndexScan
+ phyState1 --> phyState2
+ phyState2 --> phyState3
+ }
+#### 6.2.2 Parse Tree Changes
+We need to accept JOIN grammar, including `JOIN USING` and `JOIN ON` syntax in the `FROM` clause. The following diagram
+show how the ASTBuilder constructs the `LogicalRelation` object (containing a `Table` or `OpenSearchIndex` object) from
+the Relation clause, which is similar to how the `LogicalJoinRelation` object is constructed from the JoinRelation clause.
+ participant AstBuilder
+ participant FromClauseContext
+ participant TableContext
+ participant JoinTableContext
+ %% node visitor
+ AstBuilder->>FromClauseContext: visitFromClause()
+ activate FromClauseContext
+ FromClauseContext->>TableContext: visitTableAsRelation()
+ activate TableContext
+ TableContext->>FromClauseContext: Relation
+ deactivate TableContext
+ FromClauseContext->>JoinTableContext: visitJoinTableAsRelation()
+ activate JoinTableContext
+ JoinTableContext->>FromClauseContext: Relation.attach(JoinRelation)
+ deactivate JoinTableContext
+ FromClauseContext->>AstBuilder: UnresolvedPlan
+ deactivate FromClauseContext
+#### 6.2.3 Logical Plan Relation Visitor
+The following sequence diagram shows how the join type is processed from logical to physical plan.
+ participant SQLService
+ participant Analyzer
+ participant JoinRelation
+ participant Relation
+ participant DataSourceService
+ participant Table
+ participant TypeEnvironment
+ SQLService->>Analyzer: analyze
+ Analyzer->>Relation: visitRelation
+ Relation->>DataSourceService: getTable
+ DataSourceService-->>Relation: Table
+ Relation->>Table: getFieldTypes
+ Table->>TypeEnvironment: define
+ Relation->>Table: getReservedFieldTypes
+ Table->>TypeEnvironment: define
+ Relation->>TypeEnvironment: define(node.alias)
+ Relation->>Analyzer: LogicalRelation
+ Analyzer->>JoinRelation: visitJoinRelation
+ JoinRelation->>TypeEnvironment: getOpenSearchJoinType
+ TypeEnvironment->>JoinRelation: OpenSearchJoinType
+ JoinRelation->>JoinRelation: setJoinRelationContext
+ JoinRelation->>Analyzer: <>
+ Analyzer->>Analyzer: LogicalRelation.attach(<>)
+ Analyzer->>SQLService: LogicalPlan
+## 7. Detailed-Design Architecture
+The LogicalPlan will contain an extra Node called the LogicalJoinRelation, which stores the context
+on how the table is self-joined. We may need to define specific 'types' based on the type
+of relationship: parent-child, child-parent, or parent_id. We will need access to the join datatype
+and need to create an `OpenSearchDataType` for joins.
+### 7.1 Presentation
+ER diagram for how AnalyzerContext contains the TypeEnvironment(s). The TypeEnvironment defined the
+types (indices and symbols) for each relation environment. There may be multiple
+relations, in the case of joins. A lateral join will be on the same index or relation, but
+the symbol table will be different (through aliasing or otherwise).
+The lateralJoin field is new, and will create a separate LogicalJoin node in the Logical Plan.
+ TypeEnvironment {
+ TypeEnvironment parent
+ TypeEnvironment lateralJoin
+ SymbolTable symbolTable
+ SymbolTable reservedSymbolTable
+ }
+ AnalysisContext {
+ TypeEnvironment environment
+ List namedParseExpressions
+ FunctionProperties functionProperties
+ }
+ AnalysisContext ||--|| TypeEnvironment : contains-root
+ TypeEnvironment ||--o| parent-TypeEnvironment : contains-parent
+ parent-TypeEnvironment ||--o| another-TypeEnvironment : contains-parent
+ parent-TypeEnvironment ||--o| join-TypeEnvironment : contains-lateralJoin
+The 'Join' type is defined by OpenSearch, and contains the `relation` field
+that holds the various parent-child relations. Note that there can only be
+a single parent, but the parent can have child, or even grand-child relations.
+ class OpenSearchJoinType {
+ <>
+ MappingType mappingType = MappingType.Join
+ ExprCoreType exprCoreType = ExprCoreType.JOIN
+ OpenSearchRelation parentRelation
+ }
+ class OpenSearchRelation {
+ String relationName
+ List childrenRelations
+ }
+ OpenSearchJoinType --> OpenSearchRelation
+The `JoinRelationAnalyzer` creates the `LogicalJoinRelation` from the `Relation` AST nodes.
+There may be more than one `LogicalJoinRelation` created, but they will always
+exist as parents to the `LogicalRelation`.
+ class JoinRelationAnalyzer {
+ -List~NamedExpression~ namedExpressions
+ -ExpressionAnalyzer expressionAnalyzer
+ -LogicalPlan child
+ +analyze(UnresolvedExpression projectItem, AnalysisContext context) LogicalPlan
+ +visitAlias(Alias node, AnalysisContext context) LogicalPlan
+ +visitFunction(Function node, AnalysisContext context) LogicalPlan
+ -validateArgs(List~UnresolvedExpression~ args)
+ -generatePath(String field) ReferenceExpression
+ }
+The LogicalJoinRelation will be of one of 3 types, depending on how the relation is queried
+in OpenSearch. It will use either the `has_parent`, `has_child`, or `parent_id`
+relation queries. Regardless, these
+ class LogicalJoinRelation {
+ -List~NamedExpression~ projectList
+ +accept(LogicalPlanNodeVisitor~R_C~ visitor, C context) ~R_C~ R
+ }
+ class LogicalHasParentJoinRelation {
+ <>
+ parent
+ }
+ class LogicalHasChildJoinRelation {
+ <>
+ child
+ }
+ class LogicalByParentIdJoinRelation {
+ <>
+ parent
+ id
+ }
+ LogicalJoinRelation <|-- LogicalHasParentJoinRelation
+ LogicalJoinRelation <|-- LogicalHasChildJoinRelation
+ LogicalJoinRelation <|-- LogicalByParentIdJoinRelation
+The `LogicalJoinRelation` transforms into a `JoinOperator` during the logical-to-physical plan.
+The `JoinOperator` takes the form of an `InnerHitsOperator`, as the inner_hits for each join
+relation need to be considered and flattened into the result hits. This is the same operation
+as the current `NestedOperator`. The flattening algorithm can be refactored out of the `NestedOperator`
+and re-purposed into the `InnerHitsOperator`.
+ class InnerHitsOperator {
+ -PhysicalPlan input
+ -Set~String~ fields
+ -Map~String_List~String~~ groupedPathsAndFields
+ -List~Map~String_ExprValue~~ result
+ -ListIterator~Map~String_ExprValue~~ flattenedResult
+ +accept(PhysicalPlanNodeVisitor~R_C~ visitor, C context) ~R_C~ R
+ +getChild() List~PhysicalPlan~
+ +hasNext() boolean
+ +next() ExprValue
+ +generateFlatennedFieldsMap(ExprValue inputMap)
+ -flatten(String nestedField, ExprValue row, List~Map~String_ExprValue~~ prevList) List~Map~String_ExprValue~~
+ -containsSamePath(Map~String_ExprValue~ newMap) boolean
+ -getInnerHitFields(String field, String innerHitField, ExprValue row, List~Map~String_ExprValue~~ ret, ExprValue obj)
+ }
+ InnerHitsOperator <|-- NestedOperator
+ InnerHitsOperator <|-- HasParentJoinOperator
+ InnerHitsOperator <|-- HasChildJoinOperator
+ InnerHitsOperator <|-- ByParentIdJoinOperator
+# Annex
+## Annex A - Data Mapping for examples
+The following section includes data-mapping for data in Annex B that can be PUT into OpenSearch as an index mapping.
+ "mappings": {
+ "properties": {
+ "house_relation": {
+ "type": "join",
+ "relations": {
+ "house": ["member", "retainer", "vassel_house"],
+ "vassel_house": "vassel"
+ }
+ },
+ "nickname": {
+ "type": "keyword"
+ },
+ "name": {
+ "properties": {
+ "firstname": {
+ "type": "text",
+ "fielddata": true
+ },
+ "lastname": {
+ "type": "text",
+ "fielddata": true
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "gender": {
+ "type": "text",
+ "fields": {
+ "keyword": {
+ "type": "keyword"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "parents": {
+ "properties": {
+ "father": {
+ "type": "keyword"
+ },
+ "mother": {
+ "type": "keyword"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "titles": {
+ "type": "nested",
+ "properties": {
+ "title": {
+ "type": "keyword"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "words": {
+ "type": "text",
+ "fielddata": true
+ },
+ "house": {
+ "properties": {
+ "name": {
+ "type": "keyword"
+ },
+ "sigil": {
+ "type": "keyword"
+ },
+ "seat": {
+ "type": "keyword"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+## Annex B - Data for examples
+The following section includes data that has been formatted to be used by the OpenSearch `got/_bulk` ingest endpoint.
+{"house_relation": {"name":"house"},"house":{"name":"Targaryen","words":"Fire And Blood","sigil":"Dragon","seat":"Dragonstone"}}
+{"house_relation": {"name":"house"},"house":{"name":"Stark","words":"Winter Is Coming","sigil":"Direwolf","seat":"Winterfell"}}
+{"house_relation": {"name":"house"},"house":{"name":"Lannister","words":"Hear Me Roar","sigil":"Lion","seat":"Casterly Rock"}}
+{"house_relation":{"name":"member","parent":"1"},"name":{"firstname":"Daenerys","lastname":"Targaryen"},"nickname":"Daenerys \"Stormborn\"","gender":"F","parents":{"father":"Aerys","mother":"Rhaella"},"titles":[{"title":"Mother Of Dragons"},{"title":"Queen Of The Andals"},{"title":"Breaker Of Chains"},{"title":"Khaleesi"}]}
+{"house_relation":{"name":"member","parent":"2"},"name":{"firstname":"Eddard","lastname":"Stark"},"parents":{"father":"Rickard" , "mother":"Lyarra"} ,"gender":"M","titles":[{"title":"Lord Of Winterfell"},{"title":"Warden Of The North"},{"title":"Hand Of The King"}]}
+{"house_relation":{"name":"member","parent":"2"},"name":{"firstname":"Brandon","lastname":"Stark"},"parents":{"father":"Eddard","mother":"Catelyn"},"gender":"M","titles":{"title":"Prince Of Winterfell"}}
+{"house_relation":{"name":"member","parent":"3"},"name":{"firstname":"Jaime","lastname":"Lannister"},"gender":"M","parents":{"father":"Tywin","mother":"Joanna"},"titles":[{"title":"Kingslayer"},{"title":"Lord Commander Of The Kingsguard"},{"title":"Ser"}]}
+Vassel Houses:
+{"house_relation": {"name":"vassel_house","parent":"2"},"house":{"name":"Bolton","words":"Our Blades Are Sharp","sigil":"Flayed Man","seat":"Dreadfort"}}
+{"house_relation": {"name":"vassel_house","parent":"2"},"house":{"name":"Mormont","words":"Here We Stand","sigil":"Black Bear","seat":"Bear Island"}}
+{"house_relation": {"name":"vassel_house","parent":"3"},"house":{"name":"Crakehall","words":"None So Fierce","sigil":"Brindled Boar","seat":"Crakehall"}}
+{"house_relation":{"name":"vassel","parent":"12"},"name":{"firstname":"Desmond","lastname":"Crakehall"},"gender":"M","titles":{"title":"Lord of Crakehall"}}
+{"house_relation":{"name":"vassel","parent":"10"},"name":{"firstname":"Roose","lastname":"Bolton"},"gender":"M","titles":{"title":"Lord of the Dreadfort"}}
+{"house_relation":{"name":"retainer","parent":"2"},"name":{"firstname":"Luwin"},"nickname":"Maester Luwin","gender":"M","titles":{"title":"Maester"}}
+{"house_relation":{"name":"retainer","parent":"2"},"name":{"firstname":"Rodrik","lastname":"Cassel"},"nickname":"Maester Luwin","gender":"M","titles":[{"title":"Ser"},{"title":"Master-At-Arms at Winterfell"},{"title":"Castellan of Winterfell"}]}
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