Releases: openradar/xradar
Releases · openradar/xradar
🚀 xradar v0.5.0 🚀
What's Changed
- MNT: Update GitHub actions, address DeprecationWarnings by @kmuehlbauer in #153
- MIN: Restructure, add by @kmuehlbauer in #154
- MNT: Use CODECOV token by @kmuehlbauer in #155
- MNT: Fix path for notebook coverage by @kmuehlbauer in #157
- NEXRAD Level2 structured reader by @kmuehlbauer in #158
- FIX: Add the proper elevation angle to fixed angle by @mgrover1 in #162
- ENH: Add a utility for finding sweep number keys by @mgrover1 in #167
Full Changelog: 0.4.3...v0.5.0
xradar v0.4.3
What's Changed
- MNT: address black style changes, update pre-commit-config.yaml by @kmuehlbauer in #152
- FIX: use len(unique) to estimate unique entry by @martinpaule in #151
New Contributors
- @martinpaule made their first contribution in #151
Full Changelog: 0.4.2...0.4.3
xradar v0.4.2
What's Changed
- FIX: Fix handling of sweep_mode attribiutes by @mgrover1 in #143
- FIX: explicitely check for "False" in get_crs() by @kmuehlbauer in #142
- Release 0.4.2 by @kmuehlbauer in #144
Full Changelog: 0.4.1...0.4.2
xradar v0.4.1
What's Changed
- FIX: _FillValue + History in the cfradial1 exporter by @syedhamidali in #132
- FIX: fix sphinx-favicon, fix sphinx-extlinks to get readthedocs running by @kmuehlbauer in #140
- FIX: make coordinates consistent by @kmuehlbauer in #139
- FIX: prevent integer overflow when calculating azimuth in FURUNO scn files by @kmuehlbauer in #138
- Release 0.4.1 by @kmuehlbauer in #141
Full Changelog: 0.4.0...0.4.1
xradar v0.4.0
What's Changed
- FIX: use datastore._group instead of variable["sweep_number"] by @kmuehlbauer in #123
- use
colormaps in xradar by @kmuehlbauer in #128 - use
instead of deprecatedspatial_ref
by @kmuehlbauer in #127 - FIX: always read nodata and undetect attributes from ODIM file by @egouden in #125
- Cf/Radial1 writer by @syedhamidali in #126
- Release 0.4.0 by @kmuehlbauer in #131
New Contributors
- @syedhamidali made their first contribution in #126
Full Changelog: 0.3.0...0.4.0
xradar v0.3.0
What's Changed
- ENH: Add new examples using radar data on AWS s3 bucket by @aladinor in #102
- Add colombian data example by @aladinor in #106
- FIX: Correct DB_DBTE8/DB_DBZE8 and DB_DBTE16/DB_DBZE16 decoding by @kmuehlbauer in #110
- Update DOI badge for latest release by @mgrover1 in #111
- FIX: Cast boolean string to int in rainbow dictionary by @egouden in #113
- MNT: switch to mamba-org/setup-micromamba, split CI tests by @kmuehlbauer in #116
- FIX: time_interpolation by @kmuehlbauer in #117
- FIX: implement more robust angle_res retrieval by @kmuehlbauer in #118
- Fix odim output/ rel 0.3.0 by @kmuehlbauer in #120
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.2.0...0.3.0
xradar v0.2.0
What's Changed
- FIX: check for dim0 if not given, only swap_dims if needed by @kmuehlbauer in #94
- ENH: make copy before overwriting, add compression in to_odim by @kmuehlbauer in #95
- ENH add mandatory source parameter to odim writer by @egouden in #96
- ENH: switch to add recommended metadata by @egouden in #97
- REL: 0.2.0 by @kmuehlbauer in #100
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.1.0...0.2.0
xradar v0.1.0
What's Changed
- ENH: add
when georeferencing, add/adapt methods/tests by @kmuehlbauer in #87 - Docs/Docstring updates by @kmuehlbauer in #89
- Add an example on reading multiple sweeps into a single object by @mgrover1 in #69
- REL: 0.1.0 by @kmuehlbauer in #91
Full Changelog: 0.0.13...0.1.0
xradar v0.0.13
What's Changed
- FIX: only skip setting cf-attributes if both gain and offset are unused by @kmuehlbauer in #85
- REL: 0.0.13 by @kmuehlbauer in #86
Full Changelog: 0.0.12...0.0.13
xradar v0.0.12
What's Changed
- ENH: add IRIS DB_VELC decoding and tests by @kmuehlbauer in #83
- FIX: ODIM_H5 backend inconsistencies by @kmuehlbauer in #81
- FIX: furuno backend inconsistencies by @kmuehlbauer in #82
- REL: 0.0.12 by @kmuehlbauer in #84
Full Changelog: 0.0.11...0.0.12