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Maps Server

The maps server is a request-respond application for collating local LIDAR (or stereo) data into a point cloud and the serving outputs from that point cloud such as heightmaps, depthmaps or octrees.

Care is take to make the application:

  • Minimal: except for the standard libararies mentioned below
  • Data-efficient: an support transmission of local maps at 5KB/sec - sufficient for a very very weak wireless link
  • Stateless: all content output by the server is self enclosed

The software was developed for the 2015 MIT DARPA Robotics Challenge team.

Details about message flow

TODO: put flow chart here

  1. DATA_REQUEST: tiny message requesting a high level type of map (a few bits in size). Made by UI e.g. Director. (A)
  2. MAP_REQUEST: specific details of map of interest (a few bytes). Made by the data-request-server. (B)
  3. MAP_DEPTH: actual height/depth map data stream. Published by maps-server (C)

MAP_OCTREE: as for MAP_DEPTH above except an Octree, messages 10x larger

(A) enum types supported by data request

  • short range, detailed height map (for footstep planning)
  • long range, coarse height map (for navigation planning)
  • short range depth map (for manipulation)
  • long range depth map (for situational awareness)
  • octomap (for manipulation)
  • stereo depth map

(B) information in the maap request

  • which data type to use (depth image, point cloud, octree
  • time window to accumulate
  • virtual camera to use to project data
  • quantization level, resolution
  • height estimation mode e.g. median, mean, nearest

(C) details about the actual maps produced

The maps is entirely self contained e.g. it doesn't use bot frames or tf, or joint angles. It contains:

  • id to identify it
  • resolution, compression (e.g. Zlib usually)
  • projective transformation matrix for data
  • data blob

Example data rate for short range height map: 5KB at 1Hz


  • Required: PCL, Octomap
  • Optional: LCM, libbot


This software is constructed according to the Pods software policies and templates. The policies and templates can be found at:


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