You can use the same tracking code for your platform site and your wordpress site.
1. Once you have Matomo set up, add the Matomo plug-in to your wordpress page:
2. Then go to your wordpress admin page /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wp-piwik%2Fclasses%2FWP_Piwik.php (e.g. )
3. Select Innocraft cloud hosted Matomo
4. Add openfoodnetwork as the Innocraft subdomain
5. Enter your auth token - To get your auth token, log in to Matomo, click at the preferences gear icon (top right) and click at “API” (left sidebar menu, near the bottom). You can get a more detailed description here:
6. Uncheck the box that says Auto config
7. Select which site you're tracking (e.g. OFN Australia)