We adopt the following standing rules, as allowed under Oasis Open Project Rule 5.7.
Adopted by the OCA Project Governing Board 5 January 2024.
Resolved: The Open Cybersecurity Alliance (OCA) Project Governing Board adopts Open Project Rule 5.7(a) as follows: Voting Members of the PGB who are absent from three consecutive meetings of the PGB (as recorded in the minutes) lose their voting rights, whether for e-ballot or in a PGB meeting, at the end of the third meeting missed and will not be counted towards quorum in a PGB meeting. However, they shall retain all other rights, privileges, and obligations afforded to PGB members. A Member who has lost voting rights by missing three meetings may regain voting rights by (a) declaring to the Chair their desire to regain voting rights and then (b) attending two consecutive meetings of the PGB. Their rights will be restored at the end of the second meeting.
Adopted by the Project Governing Board 5 January 2024.
Resolved: The Open Cybersecurity Alliance (OCA) Project Governing Board adopts Open Project Rule 5.7(b) as follows: Any Member of the PGB who wishes to participate in the work of the committee but who does not wish to count for purposes of calculating quorum or voting may, at any time, change their role to Persistent Non-Voting Member by sending an e-mail to both the Chair(s) and the PGB mailing list informing them of their change. The change will be effective as of the date of notice or future date specified in the email. A Persistent Non-Voting Member retains participation rights and obligations but is not eligible to vote and does not count towards quorum. A Persistent Non-Voting Member may regain voting rights by (a) declaring to the Chair their desire to regain voting rights and then (b) attending two consecutive meetings of the PGB. The Member shall also then count towards quorum of PGB meetings.
Adopted by the Project Governing Board 5 January 2024.
Resolved: The Open Cybersecurity Alliance (OCA) Project Governing Board adopts Open Project Rule 5.7(c) as follows: Every Voting Member of the Project Governing Board may request one Leave of Absence per calendar year. A Leave of Absence shall not exceed 45 days. Each request shall be made by sending an email to the PGB mailing list before the Leave is to start. During a Leave of Absence, a Voting Member shall not have voting rights or participation obligations in the PGB and shall not count towards quorum. Voting rights shall resume immediately when the Leave ends, upon any activity (including activity on the PGB mailing list) in the PGB by the Member, or earlier if requested by the Member.