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Command 17 Bolus extra

Pete Schwamb edited this page Mar 1, 2018 · 32 revisions
17 0d 3c 0190 0003 0d40

The PDM sends message 0x17 to the POD after the insulin schedule 0x1A message. Unlike 0x1A, this command is not repeated, so presumably, this message either contains non-vital information or is duplicated in part in the 0x1A message. This command comes in a short form and a long form. The short form is used for immediate bolus and its purpose is unknown. The long form is used for combo bolus and presumably will contain details on the immediate and delayed bolus portion.

Command format:

  • byte 17: The mtype.
  • byte: 0D or 10. The length for the short form or long form. (Short form is used for immediate bolus, and long for combo bolus.)
  • byte 3C or 7C: 3C looks like sync word, 7C is unknown
  • dword 0190: Checksum? It Gives a 10x UnitRate x 0,05
  • 00 03 0D 40 00 00 00 00 00 00: (short form) unknown, but this bitstream appears for all immediate boluses
  • dword: unknown

Immediate boluses examples

2.0 Unit on different times:

1a 0e 0b9da677 02 00d3 01 0280 0028 0028 17 0d 3c 0190 0003 0d40
1a 0e a467bb37 02 00d3 01 0280 0028 0028 17 0d 3c 0190 0003 0d40
1a 0e 30bfc04b 02 00d3 01 0280 0028 0028 17 0d 3c 0190 0003 0d40
1a 0e bca175cb 02 00d3 01 0280 0028 0028 17 0d 3c 0190 0003 0d40

0190 = 400 x 0,05 = 20 (= same sort of checksum used for 0140 which is also 10xUnitRate)

1.0 Unit

1a 0e 5c9c201d 02 006a 01 0140 0014 0014 17 0d 3c 00c8 0003 0d40

00c8 = 200 x 0,05 = 10

0.5 Unit

1a 0e 83705d7b 02 00b5 01 00a0 000a 000a 17 0d 3c 0064 0003 0d40

0064 = 100 decimal

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