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Command 17 Bolus extra

Joe Moran edited this page Sep 11, 2018 · 32 revisions

0x17 Bolus Follow-on Command

The 0x17 command is the follow-on command for the Command 0x1A Table 2 case to deliver either a normal and/or an extended bolus. This command always immediately follows the 0x1A command with Table 2 (bolus case) in the same message.

The generic format of the 0x17 bolus follow-on command for a command 1A Table 2 bolus is:

  • 17 (1 byte): Mtype value of $17 is the follow-on command for a 1A command Table 2 (bolus)
  • LL (1 byte): Length of the following bytes for this command, always $0d
  • RR (1 byte): Reminders 0crrrrrr: c bit ($40) for Confidence Reminder beeps, rrrrrrr # of minutes ($3c = 60 minutes) between Program Reminder beeps; typical values of $00, $3c, $40 and $7c
  • NNNN (2 bytes): # of 0.05U pulses x 10
  • XXXXXXXX (4 bytes): delay in 100 kHz to start of delivery, minimum value of $30D40 = 200,000 = 2 seconds
  • YYYY (2 bytes): # of 0.05U pulses x 10 to deliver for extended bolus interval
  • ZZZZZZZZ (4 bytes): delay interval in 100 kHz between pulses for extended bolus interval

NNNN will be 0 if there is no immediate bolus. YYYY and ZZZZZZZZ will both be 0 if there is no extended bolus. For an extended bolus, XXXXXXXX and ZZZZZZZZ values have a minimum value of 0x30d40 (=200,000 decimal, i.e., 2 seconds between pulses) and a maximum value of 0x6b49d200 (=1,800,000,000 decimal, i.e., 5 hours between pulses).

Immediate Bolus of 0.05U

1a LL NNNNNNNN 02 CCCC HH SSSS 0ppp 0ppp
1a 0e bb947ef5 02 0013 01 0010 0001 0001

17 0d 7c 000a 00030d40 0000 00000000

The NNNN value of 000a says that 10/10 = a single 0.05U pulse is to be delivered. The minimum XXXXXXXX value of 00030d40 = 200,000 indicates that there is a 200,000/100,000 = 2 second delay before the single 0.05U pulse is delivered. The zero YYYY & ZZZZZZZZ values indicate that there is no extended bolus.

Immediate Bolus of 0.10U

1a LL NNNNNNNN 02 CCCC HH SSSS 0ppp 0ppp
1a 0e d7525e1d 02 0025 01 0020 0002 0002

17 0d 7c 0014 00030d40 0000 00000000

The NNNN value of 00014 indicates that 20/10 = two 0.05U pulses are to be delivered. The minimum XXXXXXXX value of 00030d40 = 200,000 indicates that there is a 200,000/100,000 = 2 second delay before the two 0.05U pulses are delivered. The zero YYYY & ZZZZZZZZ values indicate that there is no extended bolus.

6.0U Combination Bolus with 2.0 Units Now and 4.0 Units Extended Over 3 Hours

1A LL NNNNNNNN 02 CCCC HH SSSS 0ppp 0ppp napp napp napp napp
1a 16 01e475cb 02 0129 07 0280 0028 0028 100d 000e 100d 000e

17 0d 3c 0190 00030d40 0320 00cdfe60
  • 1a Mtype value of 1A is for Insulin Schedule Command
  • 16 Length of bytes for this $1A command
  • 01e475cb Nonce
  • 02 TableNum = 2, Bolus type
  • 0129 Checksum, byte sum of next 3 fields and the resulting insulin schedule table of [$28 $d $d $e $d $d $e]
  • 07 # of entries in the resulting insulin schedule table (1 for immediate bolus plus 6 for 3-hour extended bolus)
  • 0280 Field A, First InsulinScheduleElement value of 0028 << 4
  • 0028 Pulses, First InsulinScheduleElement value of 0028 (# of ticks to deliver immediately)
  • 0028 InsulinScheduleElement resulting in 1 entry of [40] * 0.05U = 2.0U immediate bolus
  • 100d N=1+1 = 2 entries (1 hour) of [13 13] = 1.3U
  • 000e N=0+1 = 1 entry (0.5 hour) of [14] = 0.7U
  • 100d N=1+1 = 2 entries (1 hour) of [13 13] = 1.3U
  • 000e N=0+1 = 1 entry (0.5 hour) of [14] = 0.7U
  • 17 Mtype value of $17 is the follow-on command for a bolus
  • 0d Length of the following bytes for this $17 subcommand, minimum length
  • 3c No Confidence Reminder, Program Reminder beeps every $3c = 60 minutes
  • 190 Number of 0.05U pulses to deliver now x 10 ($190 = 400x0.05 = 20/10 = 2.0U)
  • 00030d40 Delay in 100 kHZ to next pulse (=200,000 or 2 seconds), minimum value
  • 0320 Number of 0.05U pulses to deliver x 10 ($320 = 800/10 = 80x0.05 = 4.0U)
  • 00cdfe60 Delay in 100 kHz between pulses (=13,500,000/100,000 = 135 secs/pulse) and 135 sec/pulse * 80 pulses = 10,800 secs or 3.0 hours

1.0U Bolus with Only Extended Delivery for 1 Hour

1A LL NNNNNNNN 02 CCCC HH SSSS 0ppp 0ppp napp
1a 10 0375a602 02 0017 03 0000 0000 0000 100a

17 0d 7c 0000 00030d40 00c8 0112a880

This $1A bolus command (TableNum == 2) example has a length of $10 and thus has 2 InsulinScheduleElements. The first InsulinScheduleElement of 0000 specifies no immediate bolus amount to deliver (which also means that previous two fields are also going to be 0000). The second InsulinScheduleElement of 100a delivers 10 x 0.05U = 0.5U for two half hours which is the requested extended bolus of 1.0U over 1 hour. The $17 command has an NNNN value of 0000 to indicate that no immediate bolus is to be delivered. The XXXXXXXXX value of 00030d40 indicates that the delay before the first insulin is delivered is $30d40 = 200,000/100,000 = 2.0 seconds. The YYYY value of 00c8 = 200 indicates that 200/10 = 20 x 0.05U pulses or 1.0U total is to be delivered. The ZZZZZZZZ value of 0112a880 = 18,000,000/100,000 = 180 seconds or 3 minutes between pulses and 20 pulses x 3 minutes/pulse = 60 minutes or 1.0 hour.

1.0U Bolus with Only Extended Delivery for 4.5 Hour

1A LL NNNNNNNN 02 CCCC HH SSSS 0ppp 0ppp napp napp napp napp
1a 16 b93c64f6 02 001e 0a 0000 0000 0000 3002 0003 2002 0003

17 0d 00 0000 00030d40 00c8 04d3f640

This $1A bolus command has 5 InsulinScheduleElements specify an 9 entry insulin schedule table of [0 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 3] which delivers 0 pulses immediately and a total of 20 pulses or 1.0U over 4.5 hours. The $17 command YYYY value of 00c8 = 200 also indicates that 200/10 = 20 pulses or 1.0U total is to be delivered while the ZZZZZZZZ value of 04d3f640 = 81,000,000/100,000 = 810 seconds between pulses and 20 pulses x 810 seconds/pulse = 16,200 seconds / 3600 = 4.5 hours.

1.0U Bolus with Only Extended Delivery for 1.5 Hour

1A LL NNNNNNNN 02 CCCC HH SSSS 0ppp 0ppp napp napp
1a 12 4b3ed63f 02 0018 04 0000 0000 0000 1806 0007

17 0d 7c 0000 00030d40 00c8 019bfcc0

This $1A bolus command example creates a 4 entry insulin delivery schedule of [0 6 7 7] which delivers 0 pulses immediately and a total of 20 pulses x 0.05 = 1.0U over 1.5 hours. The $17 command YYYY value of 00c8 = 200 indicates that 200/10 = 20 x 0.05U pulses or 1.0U total is to be delivered. The ZZZZZZZZ value of 019bfcc0 = 27,000,000/100,000 = 270 seconds or 4.5 minutes between pulses and 20 pulses x 4.5 minutes/pulse is 90 minutes or 1.5 hours.

1.0U Immediate Bolus with an Active Extended Delivery

The Omnipod only supports one active extended bolus. The way the bolus commands are defined, when another immediate bolus command is given to a pod with an active extended bolus the PDM also needs to send information for the remaining extended bolus. An example will help demonstrate this. First a 1.0U bolus with only extended delivery 1.5 hours (as shown in the previous example). Then after about 35 minutes, an immediate 1.0U bolus is performed as shown:

1A LL NNNNNNNN 02 CCCC HH SSSS 0ppp 0ppp napp napp
1a 12 31f9bb6b 02 0079 03 0140 0014 0014 0007 0006

17 0d 00 00c8 00030d40 0082 0187ae6e

Note that this 1.0U immediate bolus command differs from earlier bolus now examples since with an active extended bolus, the remainder of the extended bolus must also be specified. The InsulinScheduleElements in the $1A command generate an insulin schedule table of [20 7 6] which is 20 pulses x 0.05U = 1.0U immediately (for the requested 1.0U immediate bolus) and 7 + 6 = 13 pulses x 0.05U = 0.65U (for the remaining 55 minutes of active extended 1.0U bolus over 1.5 hours). This makes sense as 35/90 of the 1.0U (20 pulses) = 7.8 pulses (rounded down to 7) will have been delivered and the remaining 13 pulses are still be delivered and 55/90 of 20 pulses is 12.2 pulses (which will be rounded up for the needed 20 total pulses). The $17 command NNNN and XXXXXXXXX field values of 00c8 and 00030d40 will cause 0xc8 = 200/10 = 20 pulses or 1.0U to be delivered after the minimum 0x30d40 = 200,000/100,000 = 2 seconds. YYYY value of 0082 confirms that there is 0x82 = 130/10 = 13 pulses or 0.65U remaining on the active extended bolus. The ZZZZZZZZ value of 0187ae6e = 25,668,230/100,000 = 256.7 seconds between pulses and 256.7 x 13 pulses = 3337 seconds which is 55 minutes 37 seconds.

Raw Packet Data

0.05U Normal Bolus

`2017-09-17T16:29:46.495888 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:21 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:34 BLEN:3 BODY:0e0100816d CRC:a4`
`2017-09-17T16:29:46.565920 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:POD SEQ:22 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:38 BLEN:10 BODY:1d18001bc800000047ff00c6 CRC:1e`
`2017-09-17T16:29:46.942256 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:24 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:3c BLEN:31 BODY:1a0ebb947ef502001301001000010001170d7c000a00030d40 CRC:d8`
`2017-09-17T16:29:47.274872 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:24 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:3c BLEN:31 BODY:1a0ebb947ef502001301001000010001170d7c000a00030d40 CRC:d8`
`2017-09-17T16:29:47.343074 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:25 ID2:1f0d3143 CRC:cc`
`2017-09-17T16:29:47.513505 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:CON SEQ:26 CON:00000000000002ab CRC:e1`
`2017-09-17T16:29:47.586227 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:POD SEQ:27 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:00 BLEN:10 BODY:1d58001bf801000047ff0034 CRC:0b`
`2017-09-17T16:29:47.705362 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:POD SEQ:27 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:00 BLEN:10 BODY:1d58001bf801000047ff0034 CRC:0b`
`2017-09-17T16:29:47.710789 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:28 ID2:1f0d3143 CRC:21`
`2017-09-17T16:29:52.446727 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:29 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:04 BLEN:3 BODY:0e010001d7 CRC:a9`
`2017-09-17T16:29:52.776506 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:29 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:04 BLEN:3 BODY:0e010001d7 CRC:a9`
`2017-09-17T16:29:52.845873 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:POD SEQ:30 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:08 BLEN:10 BODY:1d18001c7800000047ff02d3 CRC:fd`
`2017-09-17T16:29:52.846188 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:31 ID2:1f0d3143 CRC:87`

0.10U Normal Bolus

`2017-09-17T16:32:18.997700 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:11 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:24 BLEN:3 BODY:0e01000245 CRC:c2`
`2017-09-17T16:32:19.175943 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:POD SEQ:12 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:28 BLEN:10 BODY:1d18001ca80000004fff02fa CRC:da`
`2017-09-17T16:32:19.176472 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:13 ID2:1f0d3143 CRC:71`
`2017-09-17T16:32:38.415427 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:14 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:2c BLEN:3 BODY:0e0100014b CRC:13`
`2017-09-17T16:32:38.700571 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:14 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:2c BLEN:3 BODY:0e0100014b CRC:13`
`2017-09-17T16:32:38.771531 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:POD SEQ:15 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:30 BLEN:10 BODY:1d18001ca800000053ff814e CRC:e3`
`2017-09-17T16:32:38.771918 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:16 ID2:1f0d3143 CRC:b7`
`2017-09-17T16:32:39.155285 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:17 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:34 BLEN:31 BODY:1a0ed7525e1d02002501002000020002170d7c001400030d40 CRC:f0`
`2017-09-17T16:32:39.427349 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:17 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:34 BLEN:31 BODY:1a0ed7525e1d02002501002000020002170d7c001400030d40 CRC:f0`
`2017-09-17T16:32:39.500567 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:18 ID2:1f0d3143 CRC:73`
`2017-09-17T16:32:39.674454 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:CON SEQ:19 CON:000000000000032e CRC:de`
`2017-09-17T16:32:39.753967 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:POD SEQ:20 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:38 BLEN:10 BODY:1d58001ce802000053ff0009 CRC:83`
`2017-09-17T16:32:39.880046 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:POD SEQ:20 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:38 BLEN:10 BODY:1d58001ce802000053ff0009 CRC:83`
`2017-09-17T16:32:39.900160 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:21 ID2:1f0d3143 CRC:5a`
`2017-09-17T16:32:46.748814 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:22 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:3c BLEN:3 BODY:0e01008263 CRC:bc`
`2017-09-17T16:32:47.078841 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:22 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:3c BLEN:3 BODY:0e01008263 CRC:bc`
`2017-09-17T16:32:47.150881 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:POD SEQ:23 ID2:1f0d3143 B9:00 BLEN:10 BODY:1d18001de800000053ff0223 CRC:a4`
`2017-09-17T16:32:47.151125 ID1:1f0d3143 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:24 ID2:1f0d3143 CRC:ae`

6.0U Combination Bolus: 2.0U Now and 4.0U Extended Over 3 Hours

"2017-12-27T22:50:48.279311 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:19 ID2:1f05e708 B9:18 BLEN:3 BODY:0e0100814d CRC:62",
"2017-12-27T22:50:48.405218 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:POD SEQ:20 ID2:1f05e708 B9:1c BLEN:10 BODY:1d18040b1075003053ff80fc CRC:15",
"2017-12-27T22:50:48.409955 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:21 ID2:00000000 CRC:56",
"2017-12-27T22:50:48.800266 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:22 ID2:1f05e708 B9:20 BLEN:39 BODY:1a1601e475cb02012907028000280028100d000e100d000e17 CRC:89",
"2017-12-27T22:50:49.330686 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:CON SEQ:24 CON:0d3c019000030d40032000cdfe6002be CRC:df",
"2017-12-27T22:50:49.401773 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:POD SEQ:25 ID2:1f05e708 B9:24 BLEN:10 BODY:1d58040b4078003053ff0065 CRC:8d",  
"2017-12-27T22:50:49.781228 ID1:1f05e708 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:26 ID2:00000000 CRC:66"

1.0U Bolus with Only Extended Delivery for 1 Hour

2018-04-20T15:02:35.209 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:24 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:2c BLEN:33 BODY:1a100375a60202001703000000000000100a170d7c00000003 CRC:b0
2018-04-20T15:02:35.512 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:24 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:2c BLEN:33 BODY:1a100375a60202001703000000000000100a170d7c00000003 CRC:b0
2018-04-20T15:02:35.518 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:25 ID2:1f0ddcd8 CRC:c6
2018-04-20T15:02:35.714 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:CON SEQ:26 CON:0d4000c8 0112a880 014a CRC:1a
2018-04-20T15:02:35.815 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:POD SEQ:27 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:30 BLEN:10 BODY:1d980031581400016bff0132 CRC:d8
2018-04-20T15:02:35.919 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:POD SEQ:27 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:30 BLEN:10 BODY:1d980031581400016bff0132 CRC:d8
2018-04-20T15:02:35.921 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:28 ID2:1f0ddcd8 CRC:2b

1.0U Bolus with Only Extended Delivery for 4.5 Hours

2018-04-20T16:42:37.475 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:25 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:38 BLEN:39 BODY:1a16b93c64f602001e0a000000000000300200032002000317 CRC:fa
2018-04-20T16:42:37.778 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:25 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:38 BLEN:39 BODY:1a16b93c64f602001e0a000000000000300200032002000317 CRC:fa
2018-04-20T16:42:37.874 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:26 ID2:1f0ddcd8 CRC:60
2018-04-20T16:42:37.982 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:CON SEQ:27 CON:0d00000000030d4000c804d3f640021d CRC:84
2018-04-20T16:42:38.082 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:POD SEQ:28 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:3c BLEN:10 BODY:1d980058f0140002fbff0307 CRC:e3
2018-04-20T16:42:38.186 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:POD SEQ:28 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:3c BLEN:10 BODY:1d980058f0140002fbff0307 CRC:e3
2018-04-20T16:42:38.277 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:29 ID2:1f0ddcd8 CRC:49

1.0U Bolus with Only Extended Delivery for 1.5 Hours

2018-04-20T15:46:35.861 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:13 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:34 BLEN:35 BODY:1a124b3ed63f0200180400000000000018060007170d7c0000 CRC:bc
2018-04-20T15:46:36.253 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:13 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:34 BLEN:35 BODY:1a124b3ed63f0200180400000000000018060007170d7c0000 CRC:bc
2018-04-20T15:46:36.260 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:14 ID2:1f0ddcd8 CRC:dd
2018-04-20T15:46:36.456 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:CON SEQ:15 CON:00030d4000c8019bfcc002e5 CRC:a1
2018-04-20T15:46:36.557 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:POD SEQ:16 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:38 BLEN:10 BODY:1d980048681400021bff00c4 CRC:04
2018-04-20T15:46:36.661 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:POD SEQ:16 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:38 BLEN:10 BODY:1d980048681400021bff00c4 CRC:04
2018-04-20T15:46:36.663 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:17 ID2:1f0ddcd8 CRC:df

1.0U Immediate Bolus 35 Minutes into an Active 1.0U Extended Bolus for 1.5 hours

2018-04-20T16:20:57.542 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:31 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:b8 BLEN:7 BODY:1f05e6ca712e040094 CRC:4b
2018-04-20T16:20:57.845 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:31 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:b8 BLEN:7 BODY:1f05e6ca712e040094 CRC:4b
2018-04-20T16:20:57.855 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:POD SEQ:00 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:3c BLEN:10 BODY:1d18004cf00d0002a3ff81cf CRC:d8
2018-04-20T16:20:57.946 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:01 ID2:1f0ddcd8 CRC:ed
2018-04-20T16:20:58.255 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:02 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:00 BLEN:35 BODY:1a1231f9bb6b0200790301400014001400070006170d0000c8 CRC:f5
2018-04-20T16:20:58.558 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:PDM SEQ:02 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:00 BLEN:35 BODY:1a1231f9bb6b0200790301400014001400070006170d0000c8 CRC:f5
2018-04-20T16:20:58.654 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:03 ID2:1f0ddcd8 CRC:29
2018-04-20T16:20:58.762 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:CON SEQ:04 CON:00030d4000820187ae6e8115 CRC:f7
2018-04-20T16:20:58.862 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:POD SEQ:05 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:04 BLEN:10 BODY:1d58004c80210002a3ff81cf CRC:82
2018-04-20T16:20:58.967 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:POD SEQ:05 ID2:1f0ddcd8 B9:04 BLEN:10 BODY:1d58004c80210002a3ff81cf CRC:82
2018-04-20T16:20:59.056 ID1:1f0ddcd8 PTYPE:ACK SEQ:06 ID2:1f0ddcd8 CRC:c4
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