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OMPI Third Party Packages

Brian Barrett edited this page Apr 29, 2020 · 7 revisions

Open MPI relies on five third-party packages: Libevent, HWLOC, PMIx, PRRTE, and ROMIO. ROMIO is a special case, as it is tightly integrated into the MPI layer. The other 4 are called the way that Open MPI might call libc; Open MPI just expects them to be there (although it has some code to make it easier for customers to install them automatically as part of an Open MPI build). This page documents the versions of third-party packages in various distros.

Distro Libevent Version HWLOC Version PMIx Version
Amazon Linux 1 2.0.21 1.7.0
Amazon Linux 2 2.0.21 1.11.8
RHEL 6.10 2.0.21
RHEL 7.7 2.0.21 1.11.8 *
RHEL 8.2 2.1.8 1.11.9 *
SLES 12sp5 2.0.5 2.0.0
SLES 15sp1 2.1.8 none
SLES 15sp2 2.1.8 2.1.0
Ubuntu 16.04 2.0.5 1.11.2
Ubuntu 18.04 2.1.8 1.11.9
Ubuntu 20.04 2.1.7 2.1.0
  • RHEL base repositories make the HWLOC libraries and binaries available, but not the devel headers. Weird.
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