This calculator is currently under active development. While it offers a broad range of scientific functionalities, please be aware that certain calculations might not work as expected.
I strongly advise against using this tool for any critical or sensitive computations.
A scientific calculator built with Rust and egui framework, offering a modern graphical interface for mathematical calculations.
- Basic arithmetic operations with two arguments (+, -, *, /)
- Scientific functions (sin, cos, tan, log)
- Trigonometric functions in both RAD/DEG modes
- Constants (π, e)
- Error handling and input validation
- Clean and intuitive GUI
- Rust programming language
- eframe/egui for GUI
- num crate for numerical computations
- libm for mathematical functions
- Ensure you have Rust installed. If not, install from
- Clone the repository:
git clone
cd scientific_calculator
- Build the project:
cargo build --release
Run the calculator:
cargo run --release
- Use number buttons (0-9) for input
- Click operators (+, -, *, /) for calculations
- Press '=' to evaluate
- 'C' clears the display
- '±' changes number sign
- Trigonometric: sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan
- Logarithmic: ln, log
- Constants: π (pi), e (euler's number)
- Switch between RAD/DEG modes for trigonometry
Run the test suite:
cargo test
Tests cover:
- Calculator initialization
- Basic arithmetic operations
- Expression formatting
- Error handling