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Releases: oddlama/vane

[1.19] vane v1.9.3

29 Jun 21:58
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  • fix: wrong portal target selector description was shown when client_side_translations was disabled

[1.19] vane v1.9.2

29 Jun 13:53
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  • hotfix: add missing translation strings to resource pack and update language files.

[1.19] vane v1.9.1

27 Jun 18:02
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  • docs: new website is online!
  • feat: add lightning enchantment (#147)
  • feat: add tomes to ancient city loot (#153) (thanks @FordFriedel!)
  • fix: colored messages were not rendered on 1.19
  • fix: adapt to new protocollib chat packet name (fixes #152)

[1.19] vane v1.9.0

09 Jun 23:12
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  • feat: update to 1.19

This build was released and tested on an experimental PaperMC build.
Make sure to update ProtocolLib when migrating to 1.19. If any issues arise, please let us know!

[1.18.2] vane v1.8.2

23 Mar 20:43
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  • fix: additional loot tables were improperly applied

[1.18.2] vane v1.8.1

16 Mar 14:30
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This is a breaking feature release.


  • feat: update to minecraft 1.18.2
  • feat: add new internal custom item system. recipes and loot tables for each item can now be configured
  • feat: revamp enchantment system to also use the new recipe and loot system. (supports most recipe types, arbitrary NBT tags and additional enchantments)
  • feat: automatically convert legacy customitems to new definitions
  • feat: introduce world-local storage for portals and regions.
  • feat: add custom for custom items (configurable)
  • feat: portals and regions are now stored in world persitent data instead of the json file. If you need to manually edit this data, you can use a tool like NBTExplorer to do so.
  • feat: allow disabling player heads in menus for slow servers (closes #105)
  • feat: implement use-offhand inhibit behavior, to prevent custom items in main-hand from triggering off-hand items when interact events are cancelled
  • feat: remove careless enchantment and always enable it for Rake
  • feat: allow disabling custom drops from textured heads


  • chore: disable world protection by default, as most users don't want it
  • fix: prevent NPE if the world containing the spawn point is removed

[1.18.2] vane v1.8.0

11 Mar 14:33
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[1.18.2] vane v1.8.0 Pre-release


While local tests succeeded, only use at your own risk. In case you chose to update, make sure to backup all of your worlds and your plugin folder (or at least all vane-*/storage.json files), in case anything doesn't work as expected. Please report any errors you encounter! (The v1.7.1 update prompt in-game is due to the pre-release and can be ignored)

The critical code is ran on first server start after updating. If all your custom items still work fine afterwards, and all portals and regions are still existent after two server restarts, everything is most probably working correctly.


This is a breaking feature release.


  • feat: update to minecraft 1.18.2
  • feat: add new internal custom item system. recipes and loot tables for each item can now be configured
  • feat: revamp enchantment system to also use the new recipe and loot system. (supports most recipe types, arbitrary NBT tags and additional enchantments)
  • feat: automatically convert legacy customitems to new definitions
  • feat: introduce world-local storage for portals and regions.
  • feat: add custom for custom items (configurable)
  • feat: portals and regions are now stored in world persitent data instead of the json file. If you need to manually edit this data, you can use a tool like NBTExplorer to do so.
  • feat: allow disabling player heads in menus for slow servers (closes #105)
  • feat: implement use-offhand inhibit behavior, to prevent custom items in main-hand from triggering off-hand items when interact events are cancelled
  • feat: remove careless enchantment and always enable it for Rake
  • feat: allow disabling custom drops from textured heads


  • chore: disable world protection by default, as most users don't want it
  • fix: prevent NPE if the world containing the spawn point is removed

[1.18.1] vane v1.7.1

07 Feb 00:42
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This is a hotfix release.


  • fix: removed malformatted vane bedtime messages causing stack trace errors

[1.18.1+] vane v1.7.0

06 Feb 04:08
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This is a feature and bugfix release.
Massive thanks to @ryantheleach who made a lot of this possible!


  • feat: show portal visiblity in the target selection menu
  • feat: allow locking private portal targets to prevent them from being reset (closes #99)
  • feat: Add dev server for resource packs with live-reloading of lang files. Not Implemented: Texture reloading etc.
  • feat: Soulbound items can now be dropped without a chest by double dropping from inventory within a cooldown period.
  • feat: Add user feedback when scrolls fail.
  • feat: implement custom durabilities for HomeScroll & UnstableScroll
  • feat: vane-enchant: Add support for grindstones & Smithing Tables.
  • feat: make lore-updating backwards compatible as much as possible. Lore might only be duplicated now when not using client-side translations.
  • feat: add hint where to reset a declined resourcepack in the kick message. closes #116
  • feat: de-clutter chat messages by moving bedtime messages to the action bar (fixes #127)
  • feat: warn users when configuring a resource pack in (closes #101)
  • feat: add metrics support for all config values that don't contain any identifiable information (e.g. all boolean values are now tracked via bstats, but not strings)
  • feat: implement lightweight entity move event with automatic processing backoff
  • feat: horses (and all other living entities) are now also affected by fast-walking blocks
  • feat: implement custom movement event processor to allow advanced portalling behavior.
  • feat: #37, #91 allow any entity to traverse portals, including mounted entities (horses, minecarts). Also improves the traversal smoothness for players and entities if moving to another location in the same world.
  • feat: allow disabling recipes or loot-tables for custom items and enchantments


  • fix: building vane on windows, adds cross-platform sha1 hasing
  • fix: #95 If config portal_area is set to air, interpret that as air, or cave_air or void_air instead. Intended to be a temporary fix, until larger changes to the config are made.
  • fix: flying through portals no longer resets velocity (fixes #92)
  • fix: #38 Double door behavior is wrong in certain edge-cases. and Various Double Door related issues. Most valid double door combinations will now work, including the trick/hack where the doors are technically open to stop mobs entering. Also fixes iron doors opening with wooden doors.
  • fix: deactivated enchantments are no longer obtainable via trading (fixes #84)
  • fix: Lore is no longer removed upon enchant, Uses a sentinel value to flag lore lines added by vane-enchant. Should improve compatibility with other plugins.
  • fix: inconsistent language version in vane-bedtime fixed (fixes #114)

[1.18.1+] vane v1.6.7

25 Dec 02:54
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This is a patch feature release.


  • feat: add proper permission defaults. installation is now drop-in and play
  • feat: add warning when the configured spawn-protection world doesn't exist