Project Name
Project Use Case (Value statement in one sentence)
Project Description (Detailed)
Project value to end user
Project contribution to the EEA Community Projects goals and mission
Why, in your opinion, is the EEA Community Projects the most appropriate host for this project?
What support are you looking for from EEA Community Projects members?
Is this an existing project? If so, link to web page / repo
Does this project integrate with any existing EEA Community Projects projects or deliverables?
Existing / Proposed Open Source License
Implementation Language(s)
Dependency Technologies
Project Management & Governance
Primary Project Sponsor(s)
How will this project be resourced on an ongoing basis?
What is the scope (expected lifespan of this project’s development lifecycle)?
List the current project maintainers, and their Github user IDs
(Optional) Supporting Documentation
- Screenshots
- Demonstration videos
- Architectural diagrams
- Whitepapers
List any comments you would like to add to the Ethereum OASIS Open Project PGB