This article outlines the steps involved in building a node js lambda using lambda layers for library dependencies.
The example will build a lambda function that will return current time using momentjs
library. The lambda will not bundle moment.js
via node_modules
, as we did in previous tutorial
but, will use lambda layers.
(Source: AWS Docs) :
- A layer is a ZIP archive that contains libraries, a custom runtime, or other dependencies.
- With layers, you can use libraries in your function without needing to include them in your deployment package.
We will bundle the node_modules for the moment.js library and publish to AWS as a layer.
- The package.json in
folder declares moment.js as a dependency. - The packaging should use the folder structure shown below for nodejs lambda layers. This folder structure is a requirement from lambda layers.
- Move the
subdirectory and package them as a zip archive file.
Following steps will bundle the archive required for creating the lambda layer. Run the following commands from
folder (or) you can run the
script in
the same folder.
Note: Here we are moving the package.json to a dist/nodejs folder, installing the package and bundling the nodejs folder in an archive named
mkdir -p dist/nodejs
cp package.json dist/nodejs
cd dist/nodejs
npm install
cd ..
zip -r /tmp/ nodejs
cd ..
rm -rf dist
This section will refer to the source in samples/07/current-time-lambda
folder and currentTimeLambda.js
source (below).
const moment = require('moment');
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
const time = moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a');
callback(null, { time });
Note :
- The lambda source has reference to moment.js, but moment.js is not included in package.json.
- We will attach the lambda layer that was created earlier to this lambda in following steps.
Let's bundle the lambda source without its dependencies from samples/07/current-time-lambda
folder using
the following command (or) the script
in samples/07/current-time-lambda
zip /tmp/ currentTimeLambda.js
Terraform script in samples/07/
(below) will create the following resources
- momentJSLambdaLayer (lambda layer)
- currentTimeLambda (lambda with its role)
provider "aws" {
region = var.aws_region
locals {
layer_name = "momentJSLambdaLayer"
layer_payload = "/tmp/"
lambda_name = "currentTimeLambda"
zip_file_name = "/tmp/"
handler_name = "currentTimeLambda.handler"
module "moment_js_lambda_layer" {
source = "../modules/lambda-layer"
lambda_layer_name = local.layer_name
lambda_layer_payload = local.layer_payload
module "lambda_tf_way_role" {
source = "../modules/lambda-role"
module "current_time_lambda" {
source = "../modules/lambda"
lambda_function_name = local.lambda_name
lambda_function_handler = local.handler_name
lambda_role_arn = module.lambda_tf_way_role.lambda_role_arn
lambda_zip_filename = local.zip_file_name
lambda_tf_way_layer = module.lambda_tf_way_layer.lambda_tf_way_layer_arn_with_version
- Module
creates a lambda layer with payload pointing to/tmp/
- Module
creates a lambda with payload pointing to/tmp/
. The layer is attached to this lambda by passing the ARN of the lambda layermoment_js_lambda_layer
created earlier.
Now we will run terraform script to create the MomentJS Lambda layer, and Current time lambda.
You need to be in the samples/07
folder to run the script.
Note: The
is configured aslambda-tf-user
export AWS_PROFILE=lambda-tf-user
terraform init
terraform apply --auto-approve
We will invoke the currentTimeLambda via AWS CLI to test the deployment of lambda with momentjs lambda layer.
aws lambda invoke \
--function-name currentTimeLambda \
--profile "$AWS_PROFILE" \
--log-type Tail \
--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
--payload '{}' outputfile.txt
Successful invocation should list a response similar to the following.
"LogResult": "A1BCDefghiJKLmnOPQRSt2OWZmMzMwMS0yY2IxLTQ5Y2ItOGJlMS0yMWQwNGZ...TYyLjk2IG1zCQo=",
"ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST",
"StatusCode": 200
- To ensure the current time is responded by currentTimeLambda, view the contents of
file. You should see an output similar to the one below.
> cat outputfile.txt
{"time":"January 1st 2020, 01:00:00 pm"}
Now, we will delete the currentTimeLambda and momentJSLambdaLayer, using terraform destroy.
From the samples/07/
folder run the following command.
export AWS_PROFILE=lambda-tf-user
terraform destroy --auto-approve
🏁 If you have seen the timestamp, Congrats ! You got your first lambda layer working using Terraform 🏁
Next: Integrate with S3