Saves HTTP Connectivity objects to a JSON file.
Save-HttpConnectivity -FileName 'Connectivity' -Objects $connectivity
Save-HttpConnectivity -FileName 'Connectivity' -Objects $connectivity -OutputPath "$env:userprofile\Documents\ConnectivityTestResults"
Save-HttpConnectivity -FileName 'Connectivity' -Objects $connectivity -Compress
Save-HttpConnectivity [-FileName <String>] [-Objects <System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject[]>] [-OutputPath <String>] [-Compress] [<CommonParameters>]
The filename without the extension.
Type: String
Required: True
Default value: None
The connectivity object(s) to save.
Type: System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject]
Required: True
Default value: None
The path to save the file to. Defaults to the user's Desktop folder.
Type: String
Required: False
Default value: "$env:userprofile\Desktop"
Compress the JSON text output.
Type: System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter
Required: False
Default value: None