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🧲 Lab 19 - Deploying the API with custom executor

⏰ Estimated time: 30 minutes

📚 Learning outcomes

  • Explore creating a custom executor
  • Go through an example of how to deploy an API to through Nx

🏋️‍♀️ Steps

  1. For this workshop you'll need two CLI tools installed:

    • Fly CLI
      • Verify installation via: fly version
    • Docker - Verify via docker --version

  2. Let's prepare Fly to deploy our API:

    # login first
    fly auth login
    # Get an authorization token so we don't have to login everytime
    fly auth token

    ⚠️ Make sure you remember and keep track of the authorization token, as we'll use it later.

  3. Let's setup our ENV variables from the beginning now



  4. Create a new file apps/api/src/fly.toml

    Pick a unique app name to include in the fly.toml file.

    👉 This will determine the address where the API will be deployed to: https://<your-app-name>

    app = "<your-unique-app-name>"
    kill_signal = "SIGINT"
    kill_timeout = 5
    processes = []
      builder = "paketobuildpacks/builder:base"
      buildpacks = [""]
      PORT = "8080"
      cmd = ["PORT=8080 node main.js"]
      http_checks = []
      internal_port = 8080
      processes = ["app"]
      protocol = "tcp"
      script_checks = []
        hard_limit = 25
        soft_limit = 20
        type = "connections"
      force_https = true
      handlers = ["http"]
      port = 80
      handlers = ["tls", "http"]
      port = 443
      grace_period = "1s"
      interval = "15s"
      restart_limit = 0
      timeout = "2s"
    ❓ What's our plan here?

    Fly will launch a pre-build node Docker image (or you could provide your own) and then run the command you specify to launch the server.

    So the plan is:

    • define a fly.toml with instructions for fly to deploy the server
    • when we want to deploy, we'll build our app to dist/apps/api
    • as part of the build, we need to make sure that our fly.toml file makes it into dist/apps/api
    • Fly will copy the bundled code to the remote server and run the node server via cmd = ["PORT=8080 node main.js"]

  5. If you nx build api right now

    • 👍 Then cd dist/apps/api && node main.js It should work. Because it has access to node_modules
    • 👎 If you copy your built sources to some other folder on your file system. And then try to node main.js in that folder that doesn't hace access to node_modules - it will fail

    💡 By default, dependencies of server projects are not bundled together, as opposed to your Angular apps. If curious why, you can read more here.

  6. Let's fix the above - In project.json, under the production build options for the API (targets -> build -> configurations -> production) add this as an option:

    "externalDependencies": [
    ❓ What does this do?

    The above option tells webpack to bundle ALL the dependencies our API requires inside main.js, except the ones above (which fail the build if we tell webpack to include, because they're lazily loaded). Normally, it's not recommended to bundle any dependencies with your server bundles, but in this case it simplifies the deployment process.

  7. Currently the fly.toml that we added to our api project is not present if we inspect the dist/apps/api directory after running a prod build. We'll need this to be present for our fly deployment.

    Update the the assets option in the production build options for the API (targets -> build -> configurations -> production)

    "assets": [
  8. Use the @nx/plugin:executor generator to generate a fly-deploy executor:

    • The executor should have options for:
      • the target dist location
      • the name of your fly app
    • When running, your executor should perform the following tasks, using the fly cli:
      • list the current fly apps: fly apps list
      • if the app doesn't exist, launch it: fly launch --now --name=<the name of your Fly App> --region=lax
      • if the app does exist, deploy it again: fly deploy

    Fly launch and deploy commands need to be run in the dist location of your app.

    Use the @nx/plugin:executor to generator an executor in our internal-plugin project for this:

    npx nx generate @nx/plugin:executor fly-deploy --project=internal-plugin
  9. Adjust the generated schema.json and schema.d.ts file to match the required options:

      "$schema": "",
      "cli": "nx",
      "title": "FlyDeploy executor",
      "description": "",
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "distLocation": {
          "type": "string"
        "flyAppName": {
          "type": "string"
      "required": ["distLocation", "flyAppName"]
    export interface FlyDeployExecutorSchema {
      distLocation: string;
      flyAppName: string;
  10. Implement the required fly steps using execSync to call the fly cli inside your executor.ts file:

    import { FlyDeployExecutorSchema } from './schema';
    import { execSync } from 'child_process';
    export default async function runExecutor(
      options: FlyDeployExecutorSchema
    ) {
      const cwd = options.distLocation;
      const results = execSync(`fly apps list`);
      if (results.toString().includes(options.flyAppName)) {
        execSync(`fly deploy`, { cwd });
      } else {
        // consult to get best region for you
        execSync(`fly launch --now --name=${options.flyAppName} --region=lax`, {
      return {
        success: true,
  11. Next we'll need to add a deploy target to our apps/api/project.json file (don't forget to put your apps name in flayAppName field):

      "deploy": {
        "executor": "@bg-hoard/internal-plugin:fly-deploy",
        "outputs": [],
        "options": {
          "distLocation": "dist/apps/api",
          "flyAppName": "my-unique-app-name"
        "dependsOn": [
          { "target": "build", "projects": "self", "params": "forward" }
  12. Let's enable CORS on the server so our API can make requests to it (since they'll be deployed in separate places):

    • In apps/api/src/main.ts

    • Enable CORS:

      async function bootstrap() {
        const app = await NestFactory.create(AppModule);
        const globalPrefix = 'api';
        app.enableCors(); // <--- ADD THIS

    ⚠️ Normally, you want to restrict this to just a few origins. But to keep things simple in this workshop we'll enable it for all origins.

  13. Now run the command to deploy your api!!

    npx nx deploy api --prod

    Because of how we set up our dependsOn for the deploy target, Nx will know that it needs to run (or pull from the cache if you already ran it) the production build of the api before then running the deploy!

  14. Go to https://<your-app-name> - it should return you a list of games.

    ⚠️ Since we are on a free tier, it might take some time for application to become available

  15. BONUS - What would a meaningful test be for your new executor? Add it to libs/internal-plugin/src/executors/fly-deploy/executors.spec.ts

🎓If you get stuck, check out the solution

➡️ Next lab ➡️