use i3ipc::{reply::NodeLayout, I3Connection, I3EventListener, Subscription, event::Event, event::inner::WindowChange};
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let mut connection = I3Connection::connect()?;
let mut listener = I3EventListener::connect()?;
let subs = [Subscription::Window];
for event in listener.listen() {
if let Event::WindowEvent(info) = event? {
match info.container.layout {
NodeLayout::SplitH | NodeLayout::SplitV if info.change == WindowChange::New => {
let (_, _, w, h) = info.container.window_rect;
if w > h {
connection.run_command("split h")?;
} else {
connection.run_command("split v")?;
_ => (),
That's the whole thing. I just put it in the i3 config as:
exec_always --no-startup-id /home/username/bin/i3-alternating &
so if you have problems, you can probably find them in the 5(?) lines of non-boilerplate code.