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+# Node.js  Security WorkGroup Meeting 2023-02-02
+## Links
+* **Recording**:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRQAqWghPJM
+* **GitHub Issue**: https://github.com/nodejs/security-wg/issues/872
+## Present
+* Security wg team: @nodejs/security-wg
+* Ulises Gascon: @ulisesGascon
+* Michael Dawson: @mhdawson
+* Darcy Clarke @darcyclarke
+* Rafael Gonzaga: @RafaelGSS
+* Thomas GENTILHOMME: @fraxken
+## Agenda
+## Announcements
+*Extracted from **security-wg-agenda** labeled issues and pull requests from the **nodejs org** prior to the meeting.
+- [x] Vulnerability Review - https://github.com/nodejs/nodejs-dependency-vuln-assessments/issues
+- Potential malware packet (named as v8 in Npm) (https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-qrvq-xhqr-7ppq), seems like it was removed and not a thread at the moment.
+Seems like a typosquatting attack for the community users.
+### nodejs/security-wg
+* Automate security release process [#860](https://github.com/nodejs/security-wg/issues/860)
+  * No updates
+* Add OSSF Scorecard [#851](https://github.com/nodejs/security-wg/issues/851)
+* Assessment against best practices (OpenSSF Scorecards ...) [#859](https://github.com/nodejs/security-wg/issues/859)
+  * We are waiting for dependabot activation
+  * Turn on scorecard is required
+  * We agree to try the github action setup for scorecard in the security-wg (lead by Thomas) -> PR
+  * Build a little script to collect the scorecard metrics for multiple projects in a single file/output (lead by Ulises)
+* Discussion about policy-integrity integration on Windows [#856](https://github.com/nodejs/security-wg/issues/856)
+  * The reporter didn't join the meeting so we decided to move it to next meeting.
+  * It will the first topic in the next meeting
+* Automate updates of all dependencies [#828](https://github.com/nodejs/security-wg/issues/828)
+  * We want to involve new members to support us with this initiative
+* Permission Model [#791](https://github.com/nodejs/security-wg/issues/791)
+  * No major updates
+  * There is need to add native addons, symlinks (the most challenging part currently) and windows support, see: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/44004#pullrequestreview-1248772698
+### nodejs/nodejs-dependency-vuln-assessments
+* Recursive support on Node.js dependencies [#89](https://github.com/nodejs/nodejs-dependency-vuln-assessments/issues/89)
+  * No major progress, but we want to keep this initiative
+  * Rafael will chair this initiative
+  * For reference: https://github.com/nodejs/nodejs-dependency-vuln-assessments/tree/main/dep_checker
+## Q&A, Other
+* Update charter / remove references to Node Security Project? (@darcyclarke)
+  * Darcy will update the repository to remove all references
+## Upcoming Meetings
+* **Node.js Project Calendar**: <https://nodejs.org/calendar>
+Click `+GoogleCalendar` at the bottom right to add to your own Google calendar.