Python for Data Analysis (2nd edition) by McKinney. This book includes an introduction to Python.
Python Data Science Handbook by VanderPlas. Similar to P4DA, but with more concrete examples.
- ProGit by Chacon & Straub. See chapters 1-2.
- KataCoda Interactive Git Tutorial
- GitHub Cheatsheet
- Git Reference Manual
Think Python by Downey. Free online.
Python Crash Course by Matthes.
Invent with Python Books by Sweigart. Free, fun exercises to practice Python.
Hitchhiker's Guide to Python by Reitz & Schlusser. A reference on Python best practices (not an intro to Python).
The Elements of Graphing Data by Cleveland. This is a classic about how to design graphics.
Visualizing Data by Cleveland. Another classic, about how to choose the right graphic for your data. Complements "The Elements of Graphing Data".
Color Brewer 2, a website to help you choose colors.
Color Oracle, a free colorblindness simulator for Windows, OS X, and Linux.
Emery's Essentials, a website to help you choose the right graphic.
- Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace by Williams & Bizup.
Computational and Inferential Thinking by Adhikari & DeNero. The textbook for UC Berkeley's lower-div data science class.
[Data Science: Principles and Python][sharpnack] by Sharpnack. A work-in-progress textbook for STA 141B by Professor Sharpnack.
Statistics Done Wrong by Reinhart.
The Elements of Statistical Learning by Hastie, Tibshirani, & Friedman. The canonical reference on machine learning.
Introduction to Statistical Learning by James, Witten, Hastie & Tibshirani. Undergraduate version of The Elements of Statistical Learning.
- W3Schools SQL Tutorial
- Getting Started with SQL by Nield.
- Practical SQL by DeBarros.
- Interactive Data Visualization for the Web (2nd edition) by Murray.
- MDN JavaScript Tutorials