1: Add specific file
git add PATH
2: Add all your change files
git add .
git commit -a -m 'commit message'
git pull
git push
git log
To exit when in log, press Q or ctrl + z
git status
git branch
git checkout A
First, switch to branch A
git checkout A
Second, pull file
git pull
Third, switch to branch B
git checkout B
Fourth, merge
git merge A
Following the link to generate github token
import os
from getpass import getpass
import urllib
user = 'username'
token = 'user-token'
repo_name = 'user/respo-name'
cmd_string = 'git clone https://{0}:{1}@github.com/{2}.git'.format(user, token, repo_name)
cmd_string, token = "", "" # removing the password from the variable