Version 3.0.2:
- add variable to define extra python dependencies in case of sub dependency conflicts
Version 3.0.1:
- bug fixes for login and pull behavior; fixed error in pull conditional check, and now perform login before attempting to pull containers.
Version 3.0:
- use version 3.0+ of docker rotate
- install docker-py, docker-compose, and dockerrotate in a single pip command to avoid them stepping on each other version-wise
- log into Docker registries according to config variable.
- pre-pull packages according to config variable, not hardcoded list.
- do log rotation by size, not by time; use Docker's build-in rotation for Docker version 1.8+
- no longer install inotify-tools
Version 2.3:
- Update 'clear-zombie' script
Version 2.2:
- restart docker with new config before prefetching images
Version 2.1:
- install docker-compose
- pre-pull busybox and ubuntu-debootstrap images
Version 2.0:
- port to github
Version 1.1:
- Configure
- Add docker restart handler
Version 1.0:
- Initial release