Attribute name | +Data type | +Description | +
accountId | +String | +(Required) The account ID associated with the rule. | +
action | +String | +(Required) From the drop-down list select the required action: + - `REPLACE`: Replace the `matchExpression` metrics with value defined in the `replacement`. + - `IGNORE`: Block any metrics that match the `matchExpression` from reporting to New Relic. + - `DENY_NEW_METRICS`: Prevent the creation of new metric names that match the matchExpression, but allow existing metric names to continue reporting. + | +
applicationGuid | +String | +(Optional) The unique GUID for the application in New Relic. If left blank, this becomes an account-wide rule. | +
enabled | +Boolean | +(Required) If set to `true` to enable the rule. | +
evalOrder | +Integer | +(Required) Specify the order in which the rule is applied relative to other rules. Lower the numbers, higher the evaluated priority. Recommend value is `2000` | +
matchExpression | +String | +(Required) Accepts [regex]( pattern that matches the metrics to be normalized. This field always starts with a `^` and ends with a `$`. It defines the pattern for identifying which metrics should be affected by the normalization rule. For example: + ```^WebTransaction/Uri/RESTfulExample/users/username/[a-zA-Z0-9]+$``` + The pattern `^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$` matches any string made up of lowercase characters `(a-z)`, uppercase characters `(A-Z)`, and numbers `(0-9)`. | +
notes | +String | +Additional notes or comments about the normalization rule. | +
replacement | +String | +This field is only required when from the `action` drop-down list `REPLACE` option has selected. It replaces any metric name matched via the `matchExpression`. For example: `WebTransaction/Uri/RESTfulExample/users/username/{username}$` | +
terminateChain | +Boolean | +(Required) If set to `true`, no further rules will be applied once this rule matches a metric. | +
Attribute name | +Data type | +Description | +
accountId | +String | +(Required) The account ID associated with the rule. | +
action | +String | +(Required) From the drop-down list select the required action: + - `REPLACE`: Replace the `matchExpression` metrics with value defined in the `replacement`. + - `IGNORE`: Block any metrics that match the `matchExpression` from reporting to New Relic. + - `DENY_NEW_METRICS`: Prevent the creation of new metric names that match the matchExpression, but allow existing metric names to continue reporting. + | +
applicationGuid | +String | +(Optional) The unique GUID for the application in New Relic. If left blank, this becomes an account-wide rule. | +
enabled | +Boolean | +(Required) If set to `true` to enable the rule. | +
evalOrder | +Integer | +(Required) Specify the order in which the rule is applied relative to other rules. Lower the numbers, higher the evaluated priority. Recommend value is `2000` | +
id | +String | +(Required) The `ruleId` of the metric rule for which you want to update the value. | +
matchExpression | +String | +(Required) Accepts [regex]( pattern that matches the metrics to be normalized. This field always starts with a `^` and ends with a `$`. It defines the pattern for identifying which metrics should be affected by the normalization rule. For example: + ```^WebTransaction/Uri/RESTfulExample/users/username/[a-zA-Z0-9]+$``` + The pattern `^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$` matches any string made up of lowercase characters (a-z), uppercase characters (A-Z), and numbers (0-9). | +
notes | +String | +Additional notes or comments about the normalization rule. | +
replacement | +String | +This field is only required when from the `action` drop-down list `REPLACE` option is selected. It replaces any metric name matched via the `matchExpression`. For example: `WebTransaction/Uri/RESTfulExample/users/username/{username}$` | +
terminateChain | +Boolean | +(Required) If `true`, no further rules will apply once this rule matches a metric. | +
Attribute name | +Data type | +Description | +
accountId | +String | +(Required) The account ID associated with the rule. | +
ruleId | +String | +(Required) The `ruleId` of the metric rule. | +
Attribute name | +Data type | +Description | +
accountId | +String | +(Required) The account ID associated with the rule. | +
ruleId | +String | +(Required) The `ruleId` of the metric rule. | +