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Neuroglia AsyncAPI



A .NET used to visualize and interact with AsyncAPI documents. The UI is built using Razor Pages and Boostrap


Name Description Latest Release Spec version
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Core Contains AsyncAPI models and core services such as fluent builders, validators, reader, writer and code-first generator 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Validation Contains services to validate AsyncAPI documents 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.IO Contains services to read and write AsyncAPI documents 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Generation Contains extensions and services for code-first generation of AsyncAPI documents 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.CloudEvents Contains fluent extensions to build Cloud Event messages 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.ServiceDependencyExtensions Contains extensions to configure and register AsyncAPI services using dependency injection 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.AspNetCore Contains an ASP.NET middleware used to serve AsyncAPI documents 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.AspNetCore.UI Contains the Razor Pages based UI for exploring AsyncAPI documents 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Client Contains client services to interact with AsyncAPI applications 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Client.Bindings.All References all binding handlers, for convenience 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Client.Bindings.Amqp Contains the AMQP binding handler 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Client.Bindings.Http Contains the HTTP binding handler 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Client.Bindings.Kafka Contains the Kafka binding handler 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Client.Bindings.Mqtt Contains the MQTT binding handler 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Client.Bindings.Nats Contains the NATS binding handler 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Client.Bindings.Pulsar Contains the Pulsar binding handler 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Client.Bindings.Redis Contains the Redis binding handler 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Client.Bindings.Solace Contains the Solace binding handler 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Client.Bindings.Stomp Contains the Stomp binding handler 3.0.1 v3.0.0
Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Client.Bindings.WebSocket Contains the WebSocket binding handler 3.0.1 v3.0.0


Core library

dotnet add package Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Core

Fluent validation library

dotnet add package Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Validation

Fluent builders library

dotnet add package Neuroglia.AsyncApi.FluentBuilders

Input/Output library

dotnet add package Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Validation

Code-first generation library

dotnet add package Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Generation

Dependency inject extensions library

dotnet add package Neuroglia.AsyncApi.DependencyInjectionExtensions

Cloud event extensions library

dotnet add package Neuroglia.AsyncApi.CloudEvents

AsyncAPI document serving library

dotnet add package Neuroglia.AsyncApi.AspNetCore

Attention, please note that projects serving the UI MUST use the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web


dotnet add package Neuroglia.AsyncApi.AspNetCore.UI

Attention, please note that projects serving the UI MUST use the Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web

AsyncAPI client

dotnet add package Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Client


Building an AsyncAPI document

AsyncAPI v2

var services = new ServiceCollection();
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var builder = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IAsyncApiDocumentBuilder>();
var document = builder
    .WithTitle("Cloud Event API")
    .WithServer("StreetLightsApi", server => server
        .WithProtocol(AsyncApiProtocol.Http, "2.0")
        .WithBinding(new HttpServerBindingDefinition())
    .WithChannel("/events", channel => channel
        .WithDescription("The endpoint used to publish and subscribe to cloud events")
        .WithBinding(new HttpChannelBindingDefinition())
        .WithSubscribeOperation(operation => operation
            .WithDescription("Observes cloud events published by the StreetLightsApi")
            .WithBinding(new HttpOperationBindingDefinition() { Method = Neuroglia.AsyncApi.v2.Bindings.Http.HttpMethod.POST, Type = HttpBindingOperationType.Response })
                message => message
                    .WithDescription("The event fired whenever the luminosity of a light has been measured")
                    .WithTag(tag => tag
                message => message
                    .WithDescription("The event fired whenever a movement has been detected by a sensor")
                    .WithTag(tag => tag
    .WithMessageTraitComponent("cloud-event", message => message
        .WithBinding(new HttpMessageBindingDefinition())
    .WithSecurityScheme("oauth2", scheme => scheme
        .WithDescription("The security scheme used to authorize application requests")
        .WithOAuthFlows(oauth => oauth
            .WithClientCredentialsFlow(flow => flow
                .WithScope("api:read", "The scope used to read data")))))

AsyncAPI V3

var services = new ServiceCollection();
var serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
var builder = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IAsyncApiDocumentBuilder>();
var document = builder
    .WithTitle("Cloud Event API")
    .WithServer("StreetLightsApi", server => server
        .WithProtocol(AsyncApiProtocol.Http, "2.0")
        .WithBinding(new HttpServerBindingDefinition())
        .WithSecurityRequirement(security => security
    .WithChannel("events", channel => channel
        .WithDescription("The endpoint used to publish and subscribe to cloud events")
        .WithBinding(new HttpChannelBindingDefinition()))
    .WithOperation("observeCloudEvents", operation => operation
        .WithDescription("Observes cloud events published by the StreetLightsApi")
        .WithBinding(new HttpOperationBindingDefinition() 
            Method = Neuroglia.AsyncApi.Bindings.Http.HttpMethod.POST, 
            Type = HttpBindingOperationType.Response 
    .WithMessageComponent("lightMeasuredEvent", message => message
        .WithDescription("The event fired whenever the luminosity of a light has been measured")
        .WithTrait(trait => trait
        .WithPayloadSchema(schema => schema
        .WithCorrelationId(setup => setup
        .WithTag(tag => tag
    .WithMessageComponent("movementDetectedEvent", message => message
        .WithDescription("The event fired whenever a movement has been detected by a sensor")
        .WithTrait(trait => trait
        .WithPayloadSchema(schema => schema
        .WithCorrelationId(setup => setup
        .WithTag(tag => tag
    .WithMessageTraitComponent("cloud-event", message => message
        .WithBinding(new HttpMessageBindingDefinition())
    .WithSecuritySchemeComponent("oauth2", scheme => scheme
        .WithDescription("The security scheme used to authorize application requests")
        .WithOAuthFlows(oauth => oauth
            .WithClientCredentialsFlow(flow => flow
                .WithScope("api:read", "The scope used to read data")))));

Write AsyncAPI documents

var writer = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IAsyncApiDocumentWriter>();
using MemoryStream stream = new();
await writer.WriteAsync(document, stream, AsyncApiDocumentFormat.Yaml, cancellationToken);

Read AsyncAPI documents

var reader = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IAsyncApiDocumentReader>();
var asyncApi = await reader.ReadAsync(stream, cancellationToken);

Generate code-first AsyncAPI documents

Using AsyncAPI V2

[AsyncApi("Streetlights API", "1.0.0", Description = "The Smartylighting Streetlights API allows you to remotely manage the city lights.", LicenseName = "Apache 2.0", LicenseUrl = "")]
public class StreetLightsService
    : BackgroundService

  ... //Omitted for brevity
  [Channel("light/measured"), PublishOperation(OperationId = "onLightMeasured", Summary = "Inform about environmental lighting conditions for a particular streetlight")]
  public async Task PublishLightMeasured(LightMeasuredEvent e)
  [Channel("light/measured"), SubscribeOperation(OperationId = "lightMeasuredEvent", Summary = "Inform about environmental lighting conditions for a particular streetlight")]
  protected async Task OnLightMeasured(LightMeasuredEvent e)


Note the usage of the following attributes:

  • AsyncApiV2: Marks a class for code-first AsyncAPI document generation. Used to provide information about the API (licensing, contact, ...)
  • ChannelV2: Marks a method or class for code-first AsyncAPI channel generation. Used to provide information about the channel marked methods belong to.
  • OperationV2: Marks a method for code-first AsyncAPI operation generation. Use to provide information about the AsyncAPI operation.

Using AsyncAPI V3

[AsyncApi("Streetlights API", "1.0.0", Description = "The **Smartylighting Streetlights API** allows you to remotely manage the city lights.", LicenseName = "Apache 2.0", LicenseUrl = "")]
[Server("http", "", AsyncApiProtocol.Http, PathName = "/{environment}", Description = "A sample **HTTP** server declared using attributes", Bindings = "#/components/serverBindings/http")]
[ServerVariable("http", "environment", Description = "The **environment** to use.", Enum = ["dev", "stg", "prod"])]
[Channel("lightingMeasuredMQTT", Address = "streets.{streetName}", Description = "This channel is used to exchange messages about lightning measurements.", Servers = ["#/servers/mosquitto"], Bindings = "#/components/channelBindings/mqtt")]
[ChannelParameter("lightingMeasured", "streetName", Description = "The name of the **street** the lights to get measurements for are located in")]
public class StreetLightsService
    : BackgroundService

    [Operation("sendLightMeasurement", V3OperationAction.Send, "#/channels/lightingMeasuredMQTT", Description = "Notifies remote **consumers** about environmental lighting conditions for a particular **streetlight**."), Neuroglia.AsyncApi.v3.Tag(Reference = "#/components/tags/measurement")]
    public async Task PublishLightMeasured(LightMeasuredEvent e, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)

    [Operation("receiveLightMeasurement", V3OperationAction.Receive, "#/channels/lightingMeasuredMQTT"), Neuroglia.AsyncApi.v3.Tag(Reference = "#/components/tags/measurement")]
    protected Task OnLightMeasured(LightMeasuredEvent e)


Generate documents explicitly

var generator = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IAsyncApiDocumentGenerator>();
var options = new AsyncApiDocumentGenerationOptions()
    DefaultV2Configuration = builder =>
        //Setup V2 documents, by configuring servers, for example
    DefaultV3Configuration = builder =>
        //Setup V3 documents, by configuring servers, for example
IEnumerable<AsyncApiDocument> documents = generator.GenerateAsync(typeof(StreetLightsService), options);

Generate documents implicitly

services.AddAsyncApiGeneration(builder => 
        .UseDefaultV2Configuration(asyncApi =>
            //Setup V2 documents, by configuring servers, for example
        .UseDefaultV3Configuration(asyncApi =>
            //Setup V3 documents, by configuring servers, for example

Use the AsyncAPI UI

1. Configure services


2. Map documents

var app = builder.Build();

Note: Since Razor Pages are used to render the UI, make sure to configure its services and map the pages:

var app = builder.Build();

You will also need to register an IJsonSchemaResolver and an HttpClient:

services.AddSingleton<IJsonSchemaResolver, JsonSchemaResolver>();

For reference, please refer to the sample.

3. Enjoy!

Launch your application, then navigate to /asyncapi. You should see something like this:

AsyncAPI UI - Screenshot

Interact with AsyncAPI applications

Supported bindings

  • ✅ AMQP
  • ✅ AMQP1
  • ❌ AnypointMQ
  • ❌ GooglePubSub
  • ❌ IBMMQ
  • ❌ JMS
  • ✅ Kafka
  • ❌ Mercure
  • ✅ MQTT
  • ✅ MQTT5
  • ✅ NATS
  • ✅ Pulsar
  • ✅ Redis
  • ❌ SNS
  • ✅ Solace
  • ❌ SQS
  • ✅ Stomp
  • ✅ WS/WSS

⚠️ Warning: Security requirements have not yet been implemented.

We welcome community contributions to help implement and improve additional binding handlers!

Configuring an AsyncAPI Client:

Configure an AsyncAPI client with all binding handlers:

services.AddAsyncApiClient(options => options.AddAllBindingHandlers());

Configure an AsyncAPI client using specific binding handlers:

services.AddAsyncApiClient(options => 

These configurations ensure that your application is set up to handle various communication protocols as defined in your AsyncAPI document.

Creating an AsyncAPI Client:

Once the services are configured, you can create an AsyncAPI client using the client factory:

var clientFactory = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<IAsyncApiClientFactory>();
await using var client = clientFactory.CreateFor(asyncApiDocument);

Replace asyncApiDocument with your loaded AsyncAPI document instance.

Publishing a message:

To publish a message using the AsyncAPI client, construct the operation parameters with your payload and headers, then call PublishAsync:

var parameters = new AsyncApiPublishOperationParameters("Greet")
  Payload = new 
    Greeting = "Hello, World!" 
  Headers = new
    SomeHeader = "SomeHeaderValue"
await using var result = await client.PublishAsync(parameters);

This example publishes a message to the operation named "Greet" with a payload and headers. Adjust the operation name, payload, and headers as needed for your application.

Subscribing to messages:

To subscribe and react to messages from an AsyncAPI operation:

await using var result = await client.SubscribeAsync(new AsyncApiSubscribeOperationParameters("Greet"));
result.Messages?.Subscribe(message => 

This code subscribes to the "Greet" operation and prints the "Greeting" property of each received message's payload. Modify the operation name and message handling logic based on your specific use case.


A simple ASP.NET 9.0 REST API using a MQTT-powered message bus to send and receive information about environmental lighting conditions for a particular streetlight.

Clone the project in your favorite IDE, launch the app, and navigate to https://localhost:44326/asyncapi/StreetLightsApi/1.0.0. You should see something like the following:

asyncapi: 2.6.0
  title: Streetlights API
  version: 1.0.0
  description: The Smartylighting Streetlights API allows you to remotely manage the city lights.
  contact: {}
    name: Apache 2.0
    url: mqtt://
    protocol: mqtt
          type: object
              type: integer
              type: integer
              type: string
              format: date-time
          - Id
          - Lumens
          - SentAt
        name: LightMeasured
        title: Light Measured
      operationId: lightMeasuredEvent
      summary: Inform about environmental lighting conditions for a particular streetlight
          type: object
              type: integer
              type: integer
              type: string
              format: date-time
          - Id
          - Lumens
          - SentAt
        name: LightMeasured
        title: Light Measured
      operationId: onLightMeasured
      summary: Inform about environmental lighting conditions for a particular streetlight