This example demonstrates a more complex Network Service, where we chain three passthrough and one ACL Filtering NS endpoints. It demonstrates how NSM allows for service composition (chaining). It involves a combination of kernel and memif mechanisms, as well as VPP enabled endpoints.
Make sure that you have completed steps from basic or memory setup.
Deploy NSC and NSE:
kubectl apply -k
Wait for applications ready:
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=5m pod -l app=alpine -n ns-nse-composition
kubectl wait --for=condition=ready --timeout=1m pod -l app=nse-kernel -n ns-nse-composition
Ping from NSC to NSE:
kubectl exec pods/alpine -n ns-nse-composition -- ping -c 4
Check TCP Port 8080 on NSE is accessible to NSC
kubectl exec pods/alpine -n ns-nse-composition -- wget -O /dev/null --timeout 5 ""
Check TCP Port 80 on NSE is inaccessible to NSC
kubectl exec pods/alpine -n ns-nse-composition -- wget -O /dev/null --timeout 5 ""
if [ 0 -eq $? ]; then
echo "error: port :80 is available" >&2
echo "success: port :80 is unavailable"
Ping from NSE to NSC:
kubectl exec deployments/nse-kernel -n ns-nse-composition -- ping -c 4
Delete ns:
kubectl delete ns ns-nse-composition