From a596340966e5afaa0d3e8edfb3079ef1621289e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Lars Wikman <>
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 2024 21:20:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Add type information for inbound messages on the

 lib/nerves_hub/deployments.ex                 |   2 +-
 lib/nerves_hub/devices/device.ex              |   5 +-
 lib/nerves_hub_web/channels/device_channel.ex |  30 ++--
 .../channels/device_channel/messages.ex       | 135 ++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 lib/nerves_hub_web/channels/device_channel/messages.ex

diff --git a/lib/nerves_hub/deployments.ex b/lib/nerves_hub/deployments.ex
index cc53ad0f9..f40520ec1 100644
--- a/lib/nerves_hub/deployments.ex
+++ b/lib/nerves_hub/deployments.ex
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ defmodule NervesHub.Deployments do
             archive_id: deployment.archive_id
-          broadcast(deployment, "archives/updated", payload)
+          _ = broadcast(deployment, "archives/updated", payload)
           description = "deployment #{} has a new archive"
           AuditLogs.audit!(deployment, deployment, description)
diff --git a/lib/nerves_hub/devices/device.ex b/lib/nerves_hub/devices/device.ex
index 0093cbb21..ac11fa4ee 100644
--- a/lib/nerves_hub/devices/device.ex
+++ b/lib/nerves_hub/devices/device.ex
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ defmodule NervesHub.Devices.Device do
+  @connection_types [:cellular, :ethernet, :wifi]
   @required_params [:org_id, :product_id, :identifier]
   schema "devices" do
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ defmodule NervesHub.Devices.Device do
     field(:connection_established_at, :utc_datetime)
     field(:connection_disconnected_at, :utc_datetime)
     field(:connection_last_seen_at, :utc_datetime)
-    field(:connection_types, {:array, Ecto.Enum}, values: [:cellular, :ethernet, :wifi])
+    field(:connection_types, {:array, Ecto.Enum}, values: @connection_types)
     field(:connecting_code, :string)
     field(:connection_metadata, :map, default: %{})
@@ -68,4 +69,6 @@ defmodule NervesHub.Devices.Device do
     |> validate_length(:tags, min: 1)
     |> unique_constraint(:identifier)
+  def connection_types, do: @connection_types
diff --git a/lib/nerves_hub_web/channels/device_channel.ex b/lib/nerves_hub_web/channels/device_channel.ex
index 3f09e2834..153ab68c2 100644
--- a/lib/nerves_hub_web/channels/device_channel.ex
+++ b/lib/nerves_hub_web/channels/device_channel.ex
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ defmodule NervesHubWeb.DeviceChannel do
   alias NervesHub.Repo
   alias NervesHub.Tracker
   alias Phoenix.Socket.Broadcast
+  alias NervesHubWeb.DeviceChannel.Messages
   def join("device", params, %{assigns: %{device: device}} = socket) do
     with {:ok, device} <- update_metadata(device, params),
@@ -413,7 +414,12 @@ defmodule NervesHubWeb.DeviceChannel do
     {:noreply, socket}
-  def handle_in("fwup_progress", %{"value" => percent}, %{assigns: %{device: device}} = socket) do
+  def handle_in(event, params, socket) when is_binary(event) do
+    {event_atom, parsed_params} = Messages.parse(event, params)
+    handle_in(event_atom, parsed_params, socket)
+  end
+  def handle_in(:fwup_progress, %{percent: percent}, %{assigns: %{device: device}} = socket) do
@@ -448,7 +454,7 @@ defmodule NervesHubWeb.DeviceChannel do
-  def handle_in("location:update", location, %{assigns: %{device: device}} = socket) do
+  def handle_in(:location_update, location, %{assigns: %{device: device}} = socket) do
     metadata = Map.put(device.connection_metadata, "location", location)
     {:ok, device} = Devices.update_device(device, %{connection_metadata: metadata})
@@ -463,17 +469,17 @@ defmodule NervesHubWeb.DeviceChannel do
     {:reply, :ok, assign(socket, :device, device)}
-  def handle_in("connection_types", %{"values" => types}, %{assigns: %{device: device}} = socket) do
+  def handle_in(:connection_types, %{types: types}, %{assigns: %{device: device}} = socket) do
     {:ok, device} = Devices.update_device(device, %{"connection_types" => types})
     {:noreply, assign(socket, :device, device)}
-  def handle_in("status_update", %{"status" => _status}, socket) do
+  def handle_in(:status_update, %{}, socket) do
     # TODO store in tracker or the database?
     {:noreply, socket}
-  def handle_in("check_update_available", _params, socket) do
+  def handle_in(:check_update_available, _params, socket) do
     device =
       |> Devices.verify_deployment()
@@ -487,13 +493,13 @@ defmodule NervesHubWeb.DeviceChannel do
     {:reply, {:ok, update_payload}, socket}
-  def handle_in("rebooting", _, socket) do
+  def handle_in(:rebooting, %{}, socket) do
     {:noreply, socket}
-  def handle_in("scripts/run", params, socket) do
-    if pid = socket.assigns.script_refs[params["ref"]] do
-      output = Enum.join([params["output"], params["return"]], "\n")
+  def handle_in(:scripts_run, %{ref: ref, output: output, return: return}, socket) do
+    if pid = socket.assigns.script_refs[ref] do
+      output = Enum.join([output, return], "\n")
       output = String.trim(output)
       send(pid, {:output, output})
@@ -501,15 +507,15 @@ defmodule NervesHubWeb.DeviceChannel do
     {:noreply, socket}
-  def handle_in("health_check_report", %{"value" => device_status}, socket) do
+  def handle_in(:health_check_report, device_status, socket) do
     device_meta =
       for {key, val} <- Map.from_struct(socket.assigns.device.firmware_metadata),
           into: %{},
-          do: {to_string(key), to_string(val)}
+          do: {key, to_string(val)}
     full_report =
-      |> Map.put("metadata", Map.merge(device_status["metadata"], device_meta))
+      |> Map.put(:metadata, Map.merge(device_status.metadata, device_meta))
     device_health = %{"device_id" =>, "data" => full_report}
diff --git a/lib/nerves_hub_web/channels/device_channel/messages.ex b/lib/nerves_hub_web/channels/device_channel/messages.ex
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a7a02a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/nerves_hub_web/channels/device_channel/messages.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+defmodule NervesHubWeb.DeviceChannel.Messages do
+  @moduledoc false
+  alias NervesHub.Devices.Device
+  require Logger
+  @type alarm_id() :: String.t()
+  @type alarm_description() :: String.t()
+  @type health_check_report() :: %{
+          timestamp: DateTime.t(),
+          metadata: %{String.t() => String.t()},
+          alarms: %{alarm_id() => alarm_description()},
+          metrics: %{String.t() => number()},
+          checks: %{String.t() => %{pass: boolean(), note: String.t()}}
+        }
+  @type scripts_run() :: %{
+          ref: String.t(),
+          output: String.t(),
+          return: String.t()
+        }
+  @type fwup_progress() :: %{
+          percent: integer()
+        }
+  @type location() :: term()
+  @type connection_types() :: %{types: list(atom())}
+  @type status_update() :: map()
+  @type check_update_available() :: map()
+  # We parse out messages explicitly to let the compiler help with types and
+  # to keep track of what we have coming in and out of the system
+  # They are not structs to reduce the proliferation of modules for what is mostly
+  # an inbetween layer
+  # If the role of these definitions grows to much it may make sense to turn them into
+  # structs.
+  @spec parse(event :: String.t(), params :: map()) ::
+          {:fwup_progress, fwup_progress()}
+          | {:location_update, location()}
+          | {:connection_types, connection_types()}
+          | {:status_update, status_update()}
+          | {:check_update_available, check_update_available()}
+          | {:health_check_report, health_check_report()}
+          | {:scripts_run, scripts_run()}
+          | {:rebooting, map()}
+          | {:unknown, map()}
+  def parse(event, params)
+  def parse("fwup_progress", %{"value" => percent}) do
+    {:fwup_progress, %{percent: percent}}
+  end
+  def parse("location:update", location) do
+    {:location_update, location}
+  end
+  @valid_types Device.connection_types()
+  def parse("connection_types", %{"values" => types}) do
+    types =
+      types
+      |> type ->
+        try do
+          String.to_existing_atom(type)
+        rescue
+          _ -> nil
+        end
+      end)
+      |> Enum.filter(fn type ->
+        if type in @valid_types do
+          true
+        else
+          Logger.warning("Received invalid type for connection_types: #{inspect(type)}")
+          false
+        end
+      end)
+    {:connection_types, %{types: types}}
+  end
+  def parse("status_update", %{"status" => _status}) do
+    {:status_update, %{}}
+  end
+  def parse("check_update_available", _params) do
+    {:check_update_available, %{}}
+  end
+  def parse("health_check_report", %{
+        "value" => %{
+          "timestamp" => iso_ts,
+          "metadata" => metadata,
+          "alarms" => alarms,
+          "metrics" => metrics,
+          "checks" => checks
+        }
+      }) do
+    {:ok, ts, _} = DateTime.from_iso8601(iso_ts)
+    status = %{
+      timestamp: ts,
+      metadata: metadata,
+      alarms: alarms,
+      metrics: metrics,
+      checks: to_checks(checks)
+    }
+    {:health_check_report, status}
+  end
+  def parse("scripts/run", %{"ref" => ref, "output" => output, "return" => return}) do
+    {:scripts_run, %{ref: ref, output: output, return: return}}
+  end
+  def parse("rebooting", _) do
+    {:rebooting, %{}}
+  end
+  def parse(event, params) do
+    Logger.warning(
+      "Unmatched incoming event in device channel messages '#{event}' with #{inspect(params)}"
+    )
+    {:unknown, params}
+  end
+  defp to_checks(checks) do
+    for {key, %{"pass" => pass, "note" => note}} <- checks, into: %{} do
+      {key, %{pass: pass, note: note}}
+    end
+  end