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C programming

C is a powerful general-purpose programming language that is widely used for system and application software.Designed to create system software, such as operating systems and compilers.


Low-Level Access:

Provides direct access to memory and hardware, making it suitable for system programming.


Produces efficient and fast-executing code.


C code can be compiled and run on different types of computers with minimal changes.

Rich Library:

Comes with a standard library that provides numerous built-in functions for various tasks.

C programming is foundational for many other programming languages and is highly regarded for its performance and control over system resources. If you have any specific questions or need further details, feel free to ask!

Practice For a beginner.

*Print right triangles star pattern series.
*Print mirrord right triangle star pattern series.
*Reverse right trianlge star pattern.
*Print reverse mirrored right triangle star pattern.
*Print square star pattern.
*Print reverse pyramid star pattern.
*Print equilateral triangle or pyramid pattern.
*Print square number pattern.
*print number pattern (rows and columns from user)
*Print number pattern logic.
*Result grading in c.
*Print number using while loop.
*Print number using for loop.
*Print multiplication number using loop.
*Print sum of numebrs
*Use Break built in statement in a program.
*Check if number is a prime or not a prime.
*Use continue built in statement in a program.
*Print triangle in star.
*Print result Add 2 numbers using recursive function.
*Print max number between 2 numbers using recursive function.
*Print factorial number using recursive function.
*Use array to hold value of students.
*Print memory address of an array.
*Enter marks of 5 subjects of a student using array.
*Enter 5 different number find the largest number.
*Sequential searching in c
*Bubble sort in c.
*2 dimensional array in C.
*Print Pointer value.
*Find the address of pointer and Print the value in c.
*Enter 5 array numbers and add them and Print the sum.
*Before and after the swap function.
*Print pointer value with address in unorder list.
*Print the sum of two numbers.
*Print the Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication and Dividation of two numbers.
*Enter the lenght,bredth of rectangle and find the perimeter.
*Enter the length,breadth and find find the area of a rectangle.
*Enter the radius of circle and find its diameter, Circumstance, Area.
*Enter length in centimeter and calculate the value in meter, kilometer.
*Enter the temperature in Celsius and find the value in farenheit.
*Enter the temperature in Forenheight and find the value in Celsius.
*Take the value of days and calculate it in years, months,days.
*Print power of x.
*Print sqare root of value.
*Print angle of two side and find the opposite angle.
*Enter the base and height. Calculate the area of triangle.
*Enter 5 numbers of subjects and find the total, Average and Percentage.
*Enter the amount, time, interest rate to find simple interest.
*Enter the amount, time, interest rate and find the compound interest.
Check whether number is even or odd.
*Check Prime or Armstrong number using user defined Function.
*Check whether number is Perfect or not.
*Find reverse of any number using recursion.
*Find reverse of a negative number using recursion.
*Print array elements using recursion.
*Print sum of array elements using reccursion.
*Print sum of even numbers between 1 to n.
*Print sum of odd numbers from 1 to n.
*Find sum of natural numbers from 1 to n.
*Find first and last digit of a given number using loop.
*Swap first and last digit of a number.
*Print reverse number.
*Print ASCII values.
*Print factors of value.
*Check vowel or consonant using switch case.
*Find maximum of 2 numbers using switch case statement.
*Find if number is divisble by 5 and 11.
*Total number of notes in amount.
*Find the character Alphabet or not.
*Find the alphabet consonant or not.
*Find lower case vowel and upper case vowel.
*Print max among three numbers.
*Print if number is even or odd.
*Find if number is leap year or not.
*Find if the input is alphabet or not.
*Find negative, even and positive.
*Find lower case and uppercase vowel using if else.
*Find if variable is Alphabet, digit, special character.
*Enter week number and print the week.
*Enter the month number and print the month.
*Check if the triange is valid.
*Find if trangle is valid according to the 3 variable.
*Find if the triangle is Equilateral, Isoceles triangle, Scalene triangle.
*there is 3 floating variable, find the root1, root2, imaginary, discriminant.
*Check if business profitable or not.
*Find the grade from the average of 5 subjects.
*Calculate the gross salary of Employee.
*If unit is given find the sur-charge and total amount also Print Electricity bill.
*Use switch case to find vowel.
find sum of 2 matrix of size 33.
*Program to sort even and odd elements of an array separately.
*Arrange all even and odd elements of the array separately. Puts all even elements first then all odd elements.
*Sorts the elements of array within a range.
*Prints the entire integer array.
*Program to sort elements of array in ascending order.
*Print array in reverse order.
*find the reverse of array.
*reverse an array without using second array.
*Delete an element from array at specified position.
*Insert an element in array at specified position.
*Copy one array to another array.
*Read and print elements in an array.
*Find the length of a string using for loop.
*Read and print elements in an array.
*Find length of a string using strlen() function.
*Count total number of vowel or consonant in a string.
*Count total number of Alphabets, digits and special characters in a string.
*toggle case of each character in a string.
*Convert string to lowercase.
*Convert string to lowercase using strlwr() string function.
*Convert string to uppercase.
*Convert string to lowercase.
*Convert string to lowercase using strlwr() string function.
*Convert string to uppercase.
*Convert lowercase to upper case string using strupr().
*Compare two string using strcmp() function.
*Concatenate two strings using strcat().
*Copy one string to another string without using strcpy().
*Copy one string to another string.
*Copy one string to another string using strcpy().