The default serialization of event data and metadata uses Erlang's external term format. This is not a recommended serialization format for production usage as backwards compatibility is only guaranteed going back at least two major releases.
You must implement the EventStore.Serializer
behaviour to provide your preferred serialization format.
EventStore includes a JSON serializer using Jason in the EventStore.JsonSerializer
module. To include it add {:jason, "~> 1.1"}
to your application's mix dependencies and configure EventStore as below.
config :eventstore, EventStore.Storage, serializer: EventStore.JsonSerializer
The example serializer below serializes event data and metadata to JSON using the Poison library.
defmodule JsonSerializer do
@moduledoc """
A serializer that uses the JSON format.
@behaviour EventStore.Serializer
@doc """
Serialize given term to JSON binary data.
def serialize(term) do
@doc """
Deserialize given JSON binary data to the expected type.
def deserialize(binary, config) do
type = case Keyword.get(config, :type, nil) do
nil -> []
type -> type |> String.to_existing_atom |> struct
Poison.decode!(binary, as: type)
Configure your serializer by setting the serializer
option in the mix environment configuration file (e.g. config/dev.exs
config :eventstore, EventStore.Storage, serializer: JsonSerializer
You must set the event_type
field to a string representing the type of event being persisted when using this serializer:
event_type: "Elixir.ExampleEvent",
data: %ExampleEvent{key: "value"},
metadata: %{user: "[email protected]"},
You can use Atom.to_string/1
to get a string representation of a given event struct compatible with the example JsonSerializer
event = %ExampleEvent{key: "value"}
event_type = Atom.to_string(event.__struct__) #=> "Elixir.ExampleEvent"