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Releases: muricans/mbot

timer command & news {points} for custom commands

02 Jun 06:28
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timer command - bot will send you message when your timer has completed. **no limit on amount of timers. (could change at later time)

help command also updated, now no longer requires a command to have usage data.

another update to r34xxx and new article command

01 Jun 21:04
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fixes to the following commands
- r34xxx : got reworked again to use a different api link
- random : single line searches should work now
- any command using reddit : better banned link filtering

new article command. uses News API to fetch articles. One argument can be passed, that argument will set the category for the search.

reworked r34xxx and danbooru, new ban command

31 May 22:22
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  • new r34xxx api since the other when went down
  • danbooru now does searching and filtering better than before
  • new ban command, goes off of ban permission and role order

mute command bug fixes

29 May 00:06
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fixed mute command for across servers

imgur command fixed, suggestions command fixed

27 May 23:03
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imgur command sends random images and gets images if a hash is provided.
suggestions now no longer only works for my user id.
help command updated with proper descriptions and usage data.

kick command, new command edit option

27 May 17:02
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{prefix}modules commands edit to edit custom commands.

Moderation commands such as kick go off of permissions and role order. If the target has a higher role than the person executing the command, the command will not run.

bug fixes, disabled leave and welcome modules

26 May 21:48
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leave and welcome modules were crashing the bot, changed invite link.
mute works off of role orders now.

first release

26 May 07:45
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nothing new, just the first release for the bot.

bot includes nsfw commands, some util commands, reddit searching, and other modules, such as custom commands. for a better look on how to use modules