mbot is a discord bot created by muricans and edited by felanbird
mbot runs using Node.js mbot also uses jq However, it can run without jq if you remove the memory variable from the start script.
Clone the reposoitory.
$ git clone https://github.com/muricans/mbot.git
After that is completed run the install script.
$ chmod +x install.sh
$ ./install.sh
When you are finished running the install script, edit the settings.json file to add your token & NewsAPI key if you want to use the article command.
"bot_owners_id": ["YOUR_DISCORD_USER_ID"],
"token": "YOURTOKEN",
"debug": false,
"fileLogging": true,
"memory": 800,
"newsAPIKey": "https://newsapi.org/ to get your API key."
Your installation should now be complete. To run the bot execute the start script.
$ ./start.sh
Should you want to update the bot, simply run the update script.
$ ./update.sh
Command | Descriotion |
stop | Stops the bot. |
version | Gets version data from the bot. |