sudo docker run -it --rm arcsi --sensor-list
With Landsat-8 (see below for how to calculate AOT) -s ls8 -f KEA --stats -p RAD TOA SREF --aeropro Maritime --atmospro MidlatitudeSummer --aot 0.25 --surfacealtitude 0.4 -o ./output -i ./LC82040242013139LGN01_MTL.txt
# Notes
# -f output format --> main gdal format are supported but there is a bug
# in arcsi regarding GTiff so if you choose KEA format you can convert
# the output files later using gdal_translate
# gdal_translate -of GTiff -sds LS8_20130519_lat52lon42_r24p204_vmsk_rad_toa.kea LS8_20130519_lat52lon42_r24p204_vmsk_rad_toa.tif
KEA is multi-layer format: -sds
creates individual output files for
each subdataset (it's required to convert KEA into GTiff), the biggest
files are the corrected bands. Th -sds option adds a numeric suffix to
output files (from _01 to _n), the lower suffix among the biggest files
is the band n° 1 and so on following the ascending order.
Example: -s sen2 -p RAD TOA DOS --stats -f KEA --tmpath ./tmp -o S2A_MSIL1C_20170527T102031_N0205_R065_T32TMQ_20170527T102301.SAFE/DOSOutputs -i S2A_MSIL1C_20170527T102031_N0205_R065_T32TMQ_20170527T102301.SAFE/MTD_MSIL1C.xml -s sen2 -f KEA --stats -p RAD TOA SREF --aeropro Maritime --atmospro MidlatitudeWinter --aot 0.05 --surfacealtitude 0.38 -o S2A_MSIL1C_20170213T101121_N0204_R022_T32TPP_20170213T101553.SAFE/SREFOutputs_noDEM -i S2A_MSIL1C_20170213T101121_N0204_R022_T32TPP_20170213T101553.SAFE/MTD_MSIL1C.xml
## remove RAD to not keep this tmp dataset --sensor sen2 -i ${S2IMG}.SAFE/MTD_MSIL1C.xml -o ${S2IMG}.SAFE/OutputsAOTInv_sea --tmpath ./tmp -f KEA --stats -p RAD DOSAOTSGL SREF --aeroimg Documents/arcsi-1.4.2/data/WorldAerosolParams.kea --atmosimg Documents/arcsi-1.4.2/data/WorldAtmosphereParams.kea --dem ${S2IMG}.SAFE/dem_TR_sea --minaot 0.05 --maxaot 0.6 --simpledos
Usage as a script:
S2IMG=S2A_MSIL1C_20170613T101031_N0205_R022_T32TPR_20170613T101608 # omit: .SAFE
DEM=dem_VR_all_eudemv11.tif # stored in S2...SAFE/ dir
mkdir -p ${TMPDIR}
cd ${S2IMG}.SAFE/
# we use nice level 10
nice --sensor sen2 -i MTD_MSIL1C.xml -o ${OUTDIR} \
--tmpath ${TMPDIR} -f KEA --stats -p RAD DOSAOTSGL SREF \
--aeroimg ${CONDA_PREFIX}/share/arcsi/WorldAerosolParams.kea --atmosimg ${CONDA_PREFIX}/share/arcsi/WorldAtmosphereParams.kea \
--dem ${DEM} --minaot 0.05 --maxaot 0.6 --simpledos
# TODO: --interp bilinear
For the resulting band assignments, use gdalinfo
. E.g.
gdalinfo output/*_rad_srefdem_stdsref.kea | grep 'Band \|Description'
Sentinel-2 bands:
- Band 1: Blue
- Band 2: Green
- Band 3: Red
- Band 4: RE_B5
- Band 5: RE_B6
- Band 6: RE_B7
- Band 7: NIR_B8
- Band 8: NIR_B8A
- Band 9: SWIR1
- Band 10: SWIR2 --sensor sen2 -i S2A_MSIL1C_20170613T101031_N0205_R022_T32TPR_20170613T101608.SAFE/MTD_MSIL1C.xml -o S2A_MSIL1C_20170613T101031_N0205_R022_T32TPR_20170613T101608.SAFE/Clouds --tmpath ./tmp -f KEA --stats -p CLOUDS --sensor sen2 -i S2A_MSIL1C_20170613T101031_N0205_R022_T32TPR_20170613T101608.SAFE/MTD_MSIL1C.xml -o S2A_MSIL1C_20170613T101031_N0205_R022_T32TPR_20170613T101608.SAFE/OutputsAOTInvCL --tmpath ./tmp -f KEA --stats -p CLOUDS RAD DOSAOTSGL SREF --aeroimg Documents/arcsi-1.4.2/data/WorldAerosolParams.kea --atmosimg Documents/arcsi-1.4.2/data/WorldAtmosphereParams.kea --dem S2A_MSIL1C_20170613T101031_N0205_R022_T32TPR_20170613T101608.SAFE/dem_VR_all --minaot 0.05 --maxaot 0.6 --simpledos --sensor sen2 -i S2A_MSIL1C_20170613T101031_N0205_R022_T32TPR_20170613T101608.SAFE/MTD_MSIL1C.xml -o S2A_MSIL1C_20170613T101031_N0205_R022_T32TPR_20170613T101608.SAFE/OutputsAOTInvCL --tmpath ./tmp -f KEA --stats -p CLOUDS SREF --aeroimg Documents/arcsi-1.4.2/data/WorldAerosolParams.kea --atmosimg Documents/arcsi-1.4.2/data/WorldAtmosphereParams.kea --dem S2A_MSIL1C_20170613T101031_N0205_R022_T32TPR_20170613T101608.SAFE/dem_VR_all --aot 0.3 --sensor sen2 -i S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC_20170119T125545_R097_V20161120T160552_20161120T160552.SAFE/S2A_OPER_MTD_SAFL1C_PDMC_20170119T125545_R097_V20161120T160552_20161120T160552.xml -o S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC_20170119T125545_R097_V20161120T160552_20161120T160552.SAFE/OutputsAOTInv --tmpath ./tmp -f KEA --stats -p RAD DOSAOTSGL SREF --aeroimg Documents/arcsi-1.4.2/data/WorldAerosolParams.kea --atmosimg Documents/arcsi-1.4.2/data/WorldAtmosphereParams.kea --dem S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC_20170119T125545_R097_V20161120T160552_20161120T160552.SAFE/srtm_21_05_utm17 --minaot 0.05 --maxaot 0.6 --simpledos