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File metadata and controls

186 lines (168 loc) · 16.8 KB


Also, see an official documentation.

Beatmap properties

Name Type Description
Colours ColoursSection Section with colours properties.
DifficultySection DifficultySection Section with difficulty properties.
EditorSection EditorSection Section with editor properties.
GeneralSection GeneralSection Section with general properties.
HitObjects List<HitObject> List of all hitobjects.
MetadataSection MetadataSection Section with metadata properties.
TimingPoints List<TimingPoints> List of all timing points.
Version int .osu file format version (e.g. 12, 14)
BeatLengthAt(int offset) double Returns nearest beat length from the given offset.
Save(string path) void Writes this Beatmap to the specified path.

TimingPoint properties

Name Type Description
BeatLength float Length of a single beat in ms.
CustomSampleSet int Index of custom sound sample.
Inherited bool Is parameters inherited from parent timing point?
Effects Effects Effects of this timing point. (e.g. Kiai or OmitFirstBarLine)
Offset int Offset in ms.
Sample SampleSet TimingPoint's sample set. (e.g. Normal, Soft)
TimeSignature TimeSignature Time signature, used in editor. (e.g. SimpleTriple, SimpleQuadruple)
Volume int Volume of samples from 0 to 100.

HitObject properties

Base class for all objects.

Name Type Description
EndTime int End time offset of this object.
Extras Extras Class which contains Extras properties.
HitSound HitSoundType HitSound of this object (e.g. Normal, Whistle)
MaxCombo int Never used in code. Should be maximum combo that can be achieved by this hitobject.
IsNewCombo bool Is it a new combo?
ComboOffset int Represents how many combo colours this object is skipping.
Position Vector2 HitObject's position.
StartTime int Start time offset of this object.
StartTimeSpan TimeSpan Start time timespan of this object.
EndTimeSpan TimeSpan End time timespan of this object.
TotalTimeSpan TimeSpan Total timespan of this object.
DistanceFrom float The distance from this object to another.

Circle properties

Represents osu!standard HitCircle. Base class for TaikoHit, CatchFruit and ManiaHit classes.
Properties are the same as the HitObject's.

Slider properties

Represents osu!standard Slider. Base class for TaikoDrumroll and CatchDroplets.

Name Type Description
EndTime int End time offset of this object.
Extras Extras Class which contains Extras properties.
HitSound HitSoundType HitSound of this object (e.g. Normal, Whistle)
MaxCombo int Never used in code. Should be maximum combo that can be achieved by this hitobject.
IsNewCombo bool Is it a new combo?
ComboOffset int Represents how many combo colours this object is skipping.
Position Vector2 HitObject's position.
StartTime int Start time offset of this object.
CurveType CurveType Curve type of this slider. (e.g. Bezier, Linear)
SliderPoints List<Vector2> List of all slider points.
Repeats int Number of slider repeats.
PixelLength double Slider length in osu! pixels.
EdgeHitSounds List<HitSoundType> Slider edge HitSound additions.
EdgeAdditions List<Tuple<SampleSet, SampleSet>> Slider edge SampleSet additions.

Spinner properties

Represents osu!standard Spinner. Base class for TaikoSpinner and CatchSpinner.
Properties are the same as the HitObject's.

HitObject specific properties

HitObject Name Type Description
TaikoHit, TaikoDrumroll IsBig bool Is this HitObject big?
TaikoHit Color TaikoColor Color of taiko hitcircle. (e.g. Red)
ManiaHit, ManiaHold GetCollumn int Returns column index of this object.
ManiaHit, ManiaHold SetCollumn void Sets column index.

HitObject Extras properties

Name Type Description
SampleSet SampleSet SampleSet that changes the sample set of the normal HitSound.
AdditionSet SampleSet SampleSet that changes the sample set for the other hit sounds. (whistle, finish, clap)
CustomIndex int Custom SampleSet index. (e.g. 3 in soft-hitnormal3.wav)
Volume int Volume of the sample from 0 to 100.
SampleFileName string This names an audio file in the folder to play instead of sounds from SampleSets.

General Section properties

Name Type Description
AudioFilename string Specifies the location of the audio file relative to the current folder.
AudioLeadIn int The amount of time added before the audio file begins playing.
PreviewTime int Defines when the audio file should begin playing when selected in the song selection menu.
Countdown bool Specifies whether or not a countdown occurs before the first hit object appears.
SampleSet SampleSet Specifies which set of hit sounds will be used throughout the beatmap.
StackLeniency float Is how often closely placed hit objects will be stacked together.
Mode Ruleset Defines the game mode of the beatmap.
ModeId int Id of the game mode. (0=osu!, 1=Taiko, 2=Catch the Beat, 3=osu!mania)
LetterboxInBreaks bool Specifies whether the letterbox appears during breaks.
WidescreenStoryboard bool Specifies whether or not the storyboard should be widescreen.
StoryFireInFront bool Specifies whether or not display the storyboard in front of combo fire.
SpecialStyle bool Specifies whether or not use the special N+1 style for osu!mania.
EpilepsyWarning bool Specifies whether or not show a epilepsy warning at the beginning of the beatmap.
UseSkinSprites bool Specifies whether or not the storyboard can use user's skin resources.
CirclesCount int Total amount of HitCircles in the beatmap.
SlidersCount int Total amount of Sliders in the beatmap.
SpinnerCount int Total amount of Spinners in the beatmap.
Length int Beatmap length in ms.

Editor Section properties

Name Type Description
Bookmarks int[] Array of times of editor bookmarks.
BookmarksString string A list of comma-separated times of editor bookmarks.
DistanceSpacing float A multiplier for the "Distance Snap" feature.
BeatDivisor int Specifies the beat division for placing objects.
GridSize int Specifies the size of the grid for the "Grid Snap" feature.
TimelineZoom float Specifies the zoom in the editor timeline.

Metadata Section properties

Type Name Description
Title string The title of the song limited to ASCII characters.
TitleUnicode string The title of the song with unicode support.
Artist string The name of the song's artist limited to ASCII characters.
ArtistUnicode string The name of the song's artist with unicode support.
Creator string The username of the mapper.
Version string the name of the beatmap's difficulty.
Source string Describes the origin of the song.
Tags string[] Array of words describing the song.
TagsString string String of words describing the song.
BeatmapID int The ID of the single beatmap.
BeatmapSetID int The ID of the beatmap set.

Difficulty Section properties

Name Type Description
HPDrainRate float Specifies how fast the health decreases.
CircleSize float Defines the size of the hit objects in the osu!standard mode. (number of columns in osu!mania)
OverallDifficulty float The harshness of the hit window and the difficulty of spinners.
ApproachRate float Defines when hit objects start to fade in relatively to when they should be hit.
SliderMultiplier float Specifies the multiplier of the slider velocity.
SliderTickRate float The number of ticks per beat.

Events Section properties

Name Type Description
BackgroundImage string The filename specifies the location of the background image relative to the beatmap directory.
Video string The filename specifies the location of the video relative to the beatmap directory.
VideoOffset int Video offset in ms.
Breaks List List of break periods.
Storyboard Storyboard Storyboard of this beatmap.

Break Event properties

Name Type Description
StartTime int Number of milliseconds from the beginning of the song defining the start point of the break period.
EndTime int Number of milliseconds from the beginning of the song defining the end point of the break period.

Colours Section properties

Name Type Description
ComboColours List<Color> Combo colours.
SliderTrackOverride Color Slider track colour.
SliderBorder Color Slider border colour.