- Fixed saving messaged for reminder
- Fixed duty create
- Fixed reminder feature
- Fixed hider reason disable feature
- Fixing hide reason feature
- Code cleanup
- Fixing answer at non-working hours and working hours
- Fixing problems actions with nil values
- Deleted not used code
- Fixed creation of duty for other users.
- Improved error handling.
- Fixed issue with new lines
in custom answer.
- Improved help description
- Updated documentation
- Code refactoring
- Reminder fixes
- Help documentation fixes
- Fixing version display in help
- DB migration fixes
- Added command to display known problems for channel #169
- Added command to display solution for substring of known problem #169
- DB migration fixes
- Security updates of dependencies
- Added feature to enable bot answer at working time #192
- Added feature to tag reporter in thread
- OpsGenie code moved to lib folder
- MessageProcessor moved to lib folder
- Commands help refactored
- Fixes memory leak in sync git repos
- Fixes in skip logic
- Date fixes
- Added more logic around skipping repos without new changes
- Added skip repo sync if last import was less 1 day ago
- Deleted hardcoded params
- Deleted wrong name in response
- Added multithreading for sync git repos
- Added pull request commits discovery
- Added additional logging for sync git repos
- Increased limit for elements
- Fixes in sync git repos
- Better logging of sync git repos
- Added sync of non default branches
- Layout and constraint fixes
- Added new action
git commits
- it will return last 10 user commits
- Added Bitbucket Datacenter commits report feature
- Gem::LoadError: can't activate sqlite3 (~> 1.4), already activated sqlite3-2.2.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.
- Update ruby up to
- Dependencies updates
- Deleting no needed code
- Improved statistic output.
- Added
channel labels merge
- Added MIT license
- Updated dependencies
- Removed vagrant files
- Added labels feature for threads and show statistic for last 9 weeks
- Changed user status to custom
- OpsGenie rake task fixes
- Updated version in Gemfile
- Known-problem reply feature doesn't trigger if problem is in a code block #134
- No non-working-hours message if known-problem reply triggered #135
- Small bugfixes
- Added option create action in chat with bot #124
- Check for nil #85.
- Added command hide reason #113.
- Added display custom message #116
- Added display hours for person on duty #100
- Added option mark thread as replied #99
- Added support of winter/summer time. #70
- Check for nil #85.
- Fixed publishing docker image with latest tag.
- Fixed reminder of not answered requests.
- Added github flow
- Added Makefile to build project and tag it
- Added versioning from CHANGELOG.md
- Added actions table, bot will suggest "actions" on certain "problems"
- Bump addressable,puma,nio4r due to security issues
- Switched to Ruby 2.7.3
- Rake job to sync person on call from OpsGenie schedule.
- Improved sync with OpsGenie schedule.
- Fixing reminder do not remind about events
- Fixing answers in threads
- Fixed constant replies from bot in thread
- Fixed saving messages with empty message id
- Fixed reminder logic for saved messages.
- Dockerfile fixed broken apt-get
- Fixed rake execution task.
- Fixed bug with missed answers in old threads.
- Reminder about threads without replies.
- Added view web page to see answers.
- Fixed usage of undefined variable.
- Working hours now in UTC time in messages, to avoid confusing people.
- Some old code refactored.
- Added option to set custom text in bot answers.
- Added OpsGenie escalation.
- Docker build optimisation.
- Update translation.
- Fixed rotation function.
- Logging switched to info mode.
- Added link on slack message in alert.
- Fixed missed variables and translation.
- Syncing duty schedule from OpsGenie 25.
- Display working hours in local time of requester 8.
- Stop replying on messages in channel from duty person 26.
- Call duty person over OpsGenie service.
- User can enable themselves in channel as a duty person.
- Users in channel can ask bot who is on duty?
- User can tell to bot create/update/delete his (user) duty schedule in channel.
- User can set own status lunch/work/holidays.
- In non working time bot will reply on all messages in channel with option escalate it.
- Bot have internal Web UI:
- Web page list of duties in channels with delete option.
- Web page list of users.
- Web page list of replied messages.