Releases: mozilla/addons-server
Releases · mozilla/addons-server
This week's push hero is @eviljeff
Previous Release: 2024.08.22-2
Before we push:
Before we start:
Before we promote:
After we're done:
- Push the Nginx proxy servers to remove the
header. - run
./ backfill_cinder_escalations
for mozilla/addons#14970
Addons-Frontend Changelog:
Addons Server Changelog:
What's Changed
- Remove version.json file from host environment by @KevinMind in #22571
- Refactor eula_policy action write path to be cleaner & safer by @diox in #22586
- CI: Only run push locales on push events by @KevinMind in #22589
- Remove obsolete columns from reviewer tools queues by @diox in #22590
- Remove the chown command from entrypoint. by @KevinMind in #22584
- Remove supervisor and enable more efficient container startup by @KevinMind in #22592
- Remove Circle CI configs by @KevinMind in #22595
- Show comments in addon important changes history section by @KevinMind in #22599
- Prevent URLs from being added to ratings text by @diox in #22604
- drop unused
property from PromotedClass by @eviljeff in #22608 - Set REMOTE_ADDR correctly when requests are going through a CDN Shield by @diox in #22603
- Don't auto-approve versions pending rejection by @diox in #22591
- Prod mode by @KevinMind in #22614
- Bump google-resumable-media from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22557
- Bump google-cloud-storage from 2.17.0 to 2.18.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22561
- Bump django-admin-rangefilter from 0.13.1 to 0.13.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22597
- Bump urllib3 from 1.26.19 to 1.26.20 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22617
- Bump attrs from 23.2.0 to 24.2.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22553
- Bump pyyaml from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22554
- Bump idna from 3.7 to 3.8 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22598
- Bump pyparsing from 3.1.2 to 3.1.4 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22596
- Bump cachetools from 5.4.0 to 5.5.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22581
- Bump alabaster from 0.7.16 to 1.0.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22520
- Bump pure-eval from 0.2.2 to 0.2.3 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22496
- Revert "Bump pure-eval from 0.2.2 to 0.2.3 in /requirements" by @eviljeff in #22621
- Bump pyquery from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22619
- Bump googleapis-common-protos from 1.63.2 to 1.65.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22605
- Bump pip from 24.1.2 to 24.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22513
- Re-implement cinder forwards (escalations) as a new job in the content infringement queue by @eviljeff in #22582
- Bump ruff from 0.5.7 to 0.6.3 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22618
- Bump google-auth from 2.32.0 to 2.34.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22580
- Bump setuptools from 71.0.3 to 74.0.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22606
- Bump grpcio from 1.65.1 to 1.66.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22609
- Remove caching of DeniedNames - replace with a single database query by @diox in #22626
- Use Bakefile to build image by @KevinMind in #22611
Full Changelog: 2024.08.22-2...2024.09.05
Cherry Picks
- CI: Only run push locales on push events (944e42d)
Full Changelog: 2024.08.22.1...2024.08.22.2
Cherry Picks
Refactor eula_policy action write path to be cleaner & safer
Full Changelog: 2024.08.22...2024.08.22.1
Correcting the tag so it will actually deploy
Full Changelog: 2024.08.22.1...2024.08.22-2
What's Changed
- Unify themes reviewers queue into a single queue by @diox in #22533
- Bump myst-parser from 3.0.1 to 4.0.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22543
- Push production docker images to both registries by @KevinMind in #22546
- Bump sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml from 1.1.10 to 2.0.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22514
- Always Show Add-on Status on the Review Page by @chrstinalin in #22545
- Bump underscore from 1.13.6 to 1.13.7 by @dependabot in #22506
- Bump cryptography from 42.0.8 to 43.0.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22495
- Bump sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp from 2.0.5 to 2.1.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22515
- Bump sphinxcontrib-devhelp from 1.0.6 to 2.0.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22517
- Bump sphinxcontrib-qthelp from 1.0.7 to 2.0.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22518
- Bump sphinxcontrib-applehelp from 1.0.8 to 2.0.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22519
- Bump sphinx from 7.4.6 to 8.0.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22525
- Add a filter to the review queue for due date reasons by @eviljeff in #22558
- Add Submit Button to Review Due Date Changes by @chrstinalin in #22555
- Bump ruff from 0.5.2 to 0.5.7 in /requirements by @dependabot in #22560
- restrict /policy PATCH to non-themes by @eviljeff in #22564
- Prevent URLs from being added to add-on summaries by @diox in #22563
- Remove -next suffix from image tags by @KevinMind in #22568
- Make up the docs by @KevinMind in #22313
- Update by @KevinMind in #22572
- Show All Current Authors on the Review Page by @chrstinalin in #22548
- Make reviewer theme queue orderable (w/ default order by due date) by @diox in #22583
Full Changelog: 2024.08.08...2024.08.22
AMO Release Thursday 14th March 2024
What's Changed
- Remove local mirror of MySQL repo by @diox in #21901
- Bump uwsgi from 2.0.21 to 2.0.24 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21834
- Bump grpcio from 1.60.0 to 1.60.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21796
- Bump prettier from 3.2.4 to 3.2.5 by @dependabot in #21804
- parallelize locale compilation by @KevinMind in #21889
- Merge requirements files and document dependency management by @KevinMind in #21838
- Bump ipython from 8.20.0 to 8.21.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21778
- Bump pip from 23.3.2 to 24.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21801
- Bump markupsafe from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21803
- Bump google-cloud-bigquery from 3.17.1 to 3.17.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21820
- Bump yara-python from 4.3.1 to 4.5.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21859
- Bump pygit2 from 1.14.0 to 1.14.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21847
- Bump mysqlclient from 2.2.1 to 2.2.4 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21836
- Bump responses from 0.24.1 to 0.25.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21860
- Bump google-api-core[grpc] from 2.15.0 to 2.17.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21868
- Bump cryptography from 42.0.2 to 42.0.4 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21903
- Bump protobuf from 4.25.2 to 4.25.3 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21874
- Add missing prod.txt dependencies by @KevinMind in #21913
- Create empty when none exists to avoid erronious "missing local_settings" warning by @KevinMind in #21890
- Show Cinder Policy for each Review Action Reason and vice versa in admin by @diox in #21919
- Enable HTTP compression for Elasticsearch (but not in prod yet) by @diox in #21906
- Bump addons-linter from 6.22.0 to 6.23.0 by @dependabot in #21933
- Bump pytest from 8.0.0 to 8.0.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21925
- Don't include empty additional reasoning in cinder appeal decline emails if there isn't any by @diox in #21938
- Bump ruff from 0.2.1 to 0.2.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21885
- Expose escalation reason in reviewer tools by @eviljeff in #21929
- Add button to Cinder Policy Admin to trigger a sync from Cinder by @diox in #21942
- Bump django-admin-rangefilter from 0.12.0 to 0.12.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21884
- Show for abuse reports with no message by @eviljeff in #21946
- ADDSRV-735-github-pages by @KevinMind in #21937
- Gate enqueueing reports in reviewer tools behind enable-cinder-reviewer-tools-integration switch by @diox in #21944
- drop escaping of certain characters when sent to cinder api by @eviljeff in #21936
- Remove fill_cinderjobs_denormalized_fields management command and tests by @diox in #21939
- github action to efficiently build docker image on PRs to verify build by @KevinMind in #21930
- Allow enable addon and unreject version(s) to resolve jobs by @eviljeff in #21941
- Efficiently cache docker build by @KevinMind in #21914
- monitor cinder's /health endpoint in our services monitor by @eviljeff in #21953
- add cinder actoin for CLEAR_NEEDS_HUMAN_REVIEW activity by @eviljeff in #21963
- Build docker image with buildx to support new Dockerfile syntax by @KevinMind in #21960
- Collect static files after generating all static files by @KevinMind in #21977
- Fix allow verification of valid code regardless of socketlabs connection by @KevinMind in #21964
- Fix small bugs in the docker build that are not obvious most of the time by @KevinMind in #21983
- Bump cachetools from 5.3.2 to 5.3.3 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21934
- Bump grpcio from 1.60.1 to 1.62.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21911
- Bump cryptography from 42.0.4 to 42.0.5 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21924
- Bump pyparsing from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21979
- Bump dockerflow from 2024.1.0 to 2024.3.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21970
- Bump django from 4.2.10 to 4.2.11 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21971
- move DECISION_ACTIONS to constants by @eviljeff in #21973
- Bump typing-extensions from 4.9.0 to 4.10.0 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21923
- Bump setuptools from 69.0.3 to 69.1.1 in /requirements by @dependabot in #21916
- Allow banned users to appeal by grabbing the user from the cinderjob target by @diox in #21995
- Update dependencies documentation by @KevinMind in #21511
- appeals on non-cinder actions are handled by amo reviewers by @eviljeff in #21958
- Bump addons-linter from 6.23.0 to 6.24.0 by @dependabot in #22004
- "rename" CinderJob.decision_id to decision_cinder_id by @eviljeff in #22000
- Sync suppressed emails daily by @KevinMind in #21998
Full Changelog: 2024.02.22...2024.03.14