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51 lines (32 loc) · 1.82 KB

File metadata and controls

51 lines (32 loc) · 1.82 KB

timevis 0.4 2016-09-16

Bug fixes

  • timevis and visNetwork can work together in the same app (the bug is fixed on timevis' end, so it will only work if a timevis widget is defined before a visNetwork one until visNetwork also fix the bug) (#11)
  • re-defining the data input handler does not cause a warning

timevis 0.3



  • Added VignetteBuilder field to DESCRIPTION file as per CRAN's request

timevis 0.2


Breaking changes

  • added support for groups (#1) (parameter order for timevis() has changed)

New features

  • add fit param to timevis() that determines if to fit the items on the timeline by default or not
  • timevis can now be included inside regular R markdown documents
  • all the API functions can now work on timeline widgets that are not yet initialized, which means they can work in rmarkdown documents or in the console
  • all the API functions can now work with pipes (%>% pipelines)
  • the API functions can accept either an ID of a widget or a widget object. This is useful because now the API functions can either be called from the server of a Shiny app at any point, or they can be called directly using the widget when it is being initialized

Bug fixes

  • when re-rendering a timeline, the old data are not removed (#3)
  • can now use a dataframe that results from merging/binding two dataframes as input (#7)
  • zoom buttons show up when using a custom shinytheme() (#9)


  • removed the getData getWindow getIds getSelected parameters and instead just return that info always (#4)
  • refactor and modularize Shiny app code
  • UI improvements to Shiny app
  • added source code to Shiny app
  • added social media meta tags to Shiny app
  • add a lot of responsive CSS to make the app look well in smaller screens

timevis 0.1


Initial CRAN release