## Attribute Examples The option `-a max ` generte the next attribute based on the metadata: ``` [MaxLength(26)] public string LastName {get;set;} ``` The option `-a key ` generte the next attribute based on the metadata: ``` [Key] public string UserName {get;set;} //PrimaryKey not null ``` The option `-a req ` generte the next attribute based on the metadata: ``` [Required] public string LastName {get;set;} ``` The option `-a json` generte the next attribute based on the metadata: ``` [JsonProperty(PropertyName = "UserName")] public string UserName {get;set;} //PrimaryKey not null ``` The option `-a dm` generte the next attribute based on the metadata: ``` [DataMember] public string UserName {get;set;} //PrimaryKey not null ``` The option `-a proto` generte the next attribute based on the metadata: ``` [ProtoMember(1)] public string UserName {get;set;} //PrimaryKey not null ``` The option `-a display` generte the next attribute based on the metadata: ``` [Display(Name = "User Name")] public string UserName {get;set;} //PrimaryKey not null ``` The option `-a json3` generte the next json attribute of Text.Json of Necore3.x or Net5 based on the metadata: ``` [JsonPropertyName("Location")] public AirportLocation Location {get;set;} ``` **Note:** You can pass multiple attributes searated by space and get the corresponding attributes based on the metadata, e.g ``` -a key json max ```