feat(stage-web|stage-tamagotchi): microsoft speech & azure speech
feat(stage-web|stage-tamagotchi): microsoft speech & azure speech
feat(stage-ui): voice card, audio spectrum
feat(stage-ui): voice card, audio spectrum
fix: model card, make sure voice list working
fix: model card, make sure voice list working
feat(stage-web|stage-tamagotchi): better playground, new Volumed, Cur…
feat(stage-web|stage-tamagotchi): better playground, new Volumed, Cur…
feat(stage-web|stage-tamagotchi): i18n
feat(stage-web|stage-tamagotchi): i18n
fix(vscode): enable Vue framework support in i18n-ally settings
fix(vscode): enable Vue framework support in i18n-ally settings
fix(stage-web|stage-tamagotchi): locked to openrouter-ai
fix(stage-web|stage-tamagotchi): locked to openrouter-ai
Merge branch 'main' into dev/x-mcp-progress
Merge branch 'main' into dev/x-mcp-progress
Merge branch 'main' into dev/refactor-x
Merge branch 'main' into dev/refactor-x
refactor: function factory
refactor: function factory
feat(stage-ui|stage-tamagotchi|stage-web): ollama, header & values
feat(stage-ui|stage-tamagotchi|stage-web): ollama, header & values