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Deploy Lido protocol from scratch


  • node.js v16 or v18 (later might work fine as well, but not tested)
  • yarn

General info

The repo contains bash scripts for deployment of the DAO under multiple environments:

  • local node (ganache, anvil, hardhat network)
  • holesky testnet -

The protocol has a bunch of parameters to configure for the scratch deployment. The default configuration is stored in files deployed-<deploy env>-defaults.json, where <deploy env> is the target environment. Currently, there is a single default configuration, deployed-testnet-defaults.json, suitable for testnet deployments. Compared to the mainnet configuration, it has lower vote durations, more frequent oracle report cycles, etc. Part of the parameters require further specification -- they are marked with null values. During the deployment, the "default" configuration is copied to deployed-<network name>.json, where <network name> is the name of a network configuration defined in hardhat.config.js. The file deployed-<network name>.json gets populated with the contract addresses and transaction hashes during the deployment process.

These are the deployment setups, supported currently:

Each is described in the details in the sections below.

NB: Aragon UI for Lido DAO is to be deprecated and replaced by a custom solution, thus not included in the deployment script.

Deploy steps

A brief description of what's going on under the hood in the deploy script.

  • Prepare deployed-<network name>.json file
    • It is copied from deployed-testnet-defaults.json
    • and expended by env variables values, e. g. DEPLOYER.
    • It gets filled with the deployed contracts info from step to step.
  • (optional) Deploy DepositContract.
    • The step is skipped if the DepositContract address is specified
  • (optional) Deploy ENS
    • The step is skipped if the ENS Registry address is specified
  • Deploy Aragon framework environment
  • Deploy standard Aragon apps contracts (like Agent, Voting)
  • Deploy LidoTemplate contract
    • This is an auxiliary deploy contract which performs DAO configuration
  • Deploy Lido custom Aragon apps implementations (aka bases), namely for Lido, LegacyOracle, NodeOperatorsRegistry
  • Registry Lido APM name in ENS
  • Deploy Aragon package manager contract APMRegistry (via LidoTemplate)
  • Deploy Lido custom Aragon apps repo contracts (via LidoTemplate)
  • Deploy Lido DAO (via LidoTemplate)
  • Issue DAO tokens (via LidoTemplate)
  • Deploy non-Aragon Lido contracts: OracleDaemonConfig, LidoLocator, OracleReportSanityChecker, EIP712StETH, WstETH, WithdrawalQueueERC721, WithdrawalVault, LidoExecutionLayerRewardsVault, StakingRouter, DepositSecurityModule, AccountingOracle, HashConsensus for AccountingOracle, ValidatorsExitBusOracle, HashConsensus for ValidatorsExitBusOracle, Burner.
  • Finalize Lido DAO deployment: issue unvested LDO tokens, set Aragon permissions, register Lido DAO name in Aragon ID (via LidoTemplate)
  • Initialize non-Aragon Lido contracts
  • Set parameters of OracleDaemonConfig
  • Setup non-Aragon permissions
  • Plug NodeOperatorsRegistry as Curated staking module
  • Transfer all admin roles from deployer to Agent
    • OZ admin roles: Burner, HashConsensus for AccountingOracle, HashConsensus for ValidatorsExitBusOracle, StakingRouter, AccountingOracle, ValidatorsExitBusOracle, WithdrawalQueueERC721, OracleDaemonConfig
    • OssifiableProxy admins: : LidoLocator, StakingRouter, AccountingOracle, ValidatorsExitBusOracle, WithdrawalQueueERC721
    • DepositSecurityModule owner

Local deployment

Deploys the DAO to local ( dev node (anvil, hardhat, ganache). The deployment is done from the default test account 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 derived from the default mnemonic. Thus the node must be configured with the default test accounts derived from the mnemonic test test test test test test test test test test test junk.

  1. Run yarn install (get sure repo dependencies are installed)
  2. Run the node on default port 8545 (for the commands, see subsections below)
  3. Run the deploy script bash scripts/scratch/ from root repo directory
  4. Check out the deploy artifacts in deployed-local.json


Run the node with the command:

anvil -p 8545 --mnemonic "test test test test test test test test test test test junk"

Hardhat node

NB: Hardhat node configuration is set in hardhat.config.js under hardhat: { .

To run hardhat node execute:

yarn hardhat node

Holešky deployment

To do Holešky deployment, the following parameters must be set up via env variables:

  • DEPLOYER. The deployer address. The deployer must own its private key. To ensure proper operation, it should have an adequate amount of ether. The total deployment gas cost is approximately 100,000,000 gas, and this cost can vary based on whether specific components of the environment, such as the DepositContract, are deployed or not.
  • RPC_URL. Address of of the Ethereum RPC node to use. E.g. for Infura it is<yourProjectId>
  • GAS_PRIORITY_FEE. Gas priority fee. By default set to 2
  • GAS_MAX_FEE. Gas max fee. By default set to 100
  • GATE_SEAL_FACTORY. Address of the GateSeal Factory contract. Must be deployed in advance. Can be set to any 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to debug deployment.
  • WITHDRAWAL_QUEUE_BASE_URI. BaseURI for WithdrawalQueueERC712. By default not set (left an empty string).

Also you need to specify DEPLOYER private key in accounts.json under /eth/holesky like "holesky": ["<key>"]. See accounts.sample.json for an example.

To start the deployment, run (the env variables must already defined) from the root repo directory:

bash scripts/scratch/

Deploy artifacts information will be stored in deployed-holesky.json.

Publishing sources to Etherscan

After the deployment run


Issues with verification of part of the contracts deployed from factories

There are some contracts deployed from other contracts for which automatic hardhat etherscan verification fails:

  • AppProxyUpgradeable of multiple contracts (app:lido, app:node-operators-registry, app:oracle, app:voting, ...)
  • KernelProxy -- proxy for Kernel
  • AppProxyPinned -- proxy for EVMScriptRegistry
  • MiniMeToken -- LDO token
  • CallsScript -- Aragon internal contract
  • EVMScriptRegistry -- Aragon internal contract

The workaround used during Holešky deployment is to deploy auxiliary instances of these contracts standalone and verify them via hardhat Etherscan plugin. After this Etherscan will mark the target contracts as verified by "Similar Match Source Code".

NB, that some contracts require additional auxiliary contract to be deployed. Namely, the constructor of AppProxyPinned depends on proxy implementation ("base" in Aragon terms) contract with initialize() function and Kernel contract, which must return the implementation by call kernel().getApp(KERNEL_APP_BASES_NAMESPACE, _appId). See @aragon/os/contracts/apps/AppProxyBase.sol for the details.

Post deploy initialization

Initialization up to the fully operational state

In order to make the protocol fully operational, the additional steps are required:

  • add oracle committee members to HashConsensus contracts for AccountingOracle and ValidatorsExitBusOracle: HashConsensus.addMember;
  • initialize initial epoch for HashConsensus contracts for AccountingOracle and ValidatorsExitBusOracle: HashConsensus.updateInitialEpoch;
  • add guardians to DepositSecurityModule: DepositSecurityModule.addGuardians;
  • resume protocol: Lido.resume;
  • resume WithdrawalQueue: WithdrawalQueueERC721.resume;
  • add at least one Node Operator: NodeOperatorsRegistry.addNodeOperator;
  • add validator keys to the Node Operators: NodeOperatorsRegistry.addSigningKeys;
  • set staking limits for the Node Operators: NodeOperatorsRegistry.setNodeOperatorStakingLimit.

NB, that part of the actions require prior granting of the required roles, e.g. STAKING_MODULE_MANAGE_ROLE for StakingRouter.addStakingModule:

  await stakingRouter.grantRole(STAKING_MODULE_MANAGE_ROLE, agent.address, { from: agent.address })
  await stakingRouter.addStakingModule(
    { from: agent.address }
  await stakingRouter.renounceRole(STAKING_MODULE_MANAGE_ROLE, agent.address, { from: agent.address })

Protocol parameters

This section describes part of the parameters and their values used at the deployment. The values are specified in deployed-testnet-defaults.json.


# Parameters related to "bunker mode"
# See
# and
REBASE_CHECK_DISTANT_EPOCH_DISTANCE=23  # 10% of AO 225 epochs frame

# See for "Requirement not be considered Delinquent"

# See "B.3.I" of
NODE_OPERATOR_NETWORK_PENETRATION_THRESHOLD_BP=100  # 1% network penetration for a single NO

# Time period of historical observations used for prediction of the rewards amount
# see

# Max period of delay for requests finalization in case of bunker due to negative rebase
# twice min governance response time - 3 days voting duration